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Salutations to you, the one who has attained the supreme auspiciousness, the one who is mighty, the one who is the king of the three worlds, the one who is victorious, the one who is victorious even among the victors. ||184|| Salutations to you, whose feet are worshipped by the jewels adorning the crowns of the Indra of the heavens. Salutations to you, who have attained infinite wealth by conquering the enemies in the form of karma. ||185|| Salutations to you, the one who is worthy of the highest worship, the one who has attained the name 'Arihant' by destroying the obstacles, the knowledge-obscuring, the vision-obscuring, and the deluding karma. ||186|| Salutations to you, the conqueror of death. Salutations to you, the conqueror of delusion. Salutations to you, the conqueror of desire, the one who is free from attachment, the self-existent. ||187|| The virtuous man who salutes you is saluted by many other virtuous men. The man who proclaims your victory conquers the earth or speech by conquering all the enemies who are worthy of being conquered. ||188|| O Lord, by praising you, my words have become pure. By remembering you, my mind has become pure. By saluting you, my body has become pure. By seeing you, I have become blessed. ||189|| O Lord, today I have achieved my purpose. Today my birth has become fruitful. Today my eyes are satisfied. Today my mind is extremely happy. ||190|| O Lord, I have bathed for a long time in your holy lake, which is filled with pure and virtuous water. Therefore, I am now pure and content with happiness. ||191|| O Lord, the water from the nails of your feet, which has destroyed all sins, is falling on my head. It is as if I have been anointed. ||192|| O Lord, on the one hand, I have attained the glory of the universal monarch, which is free from the rule of others. On the other hand,
1 Worthy of worship. 2 By destroying the obstacles, the knowledge-obscuring, the vision-obscuring, and the deluding karma. 3 The one who is known by the name 'Arihant'. 4 Let it be. 5 Saluting. 6 The side that is to be conquered. 7 Extremely happy. 8 Content with happiness.