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## Chapter
Verse 4
**Mithyāvacana** (false speech) is **mṛṣāvāda** (false speech) which is in the form of words that are not true due to anger, etc. **Svāmyādi** (master, etc.) **na dattam** (not given) **adattaṁ** (not given) **sacittācittāmiśrabhedaṁ** (mixed with thoughts and non-thoughts) **dārayanti** (tear) **vidārayanti** (tear) **puruṣasyāntaraṁgabahīraṁgagunān** (the inner and outer qualities of a person), **dārāḥ** (wives) **pareṣāṁ dārāḥ** (wives of others) **paradārāḥ** (wives of others). Therefore, **prāṇavadha** (killing of a living being), **mṛṣāvāda** (false speech), **adattādānaṁ** (taking what is not given), and **paradārāḥ** (wives of others) are **niyamanaiḥ** (by rules) **uparamais** (by restraint) **tathā na parimitā** (not limited) **aparimitā** (unlimited) **yā iccha** (desire) **parigrahaviṣayā** (related to possessions), **tato'pi ca yāni** (and also those) **viramaṇāni** (restraints) **nivṛttayaḥ** (cessations) **tāny aṇuvratāni** (those are minor vows) **bhaveyuḥ** (would be). **Sthūlaśabdopapadāni** (words with gross meanings) **vācyāni** (should be spoken). ||3||
**Commentary:** **Pāṇo** (Pāṇini) **prāṇavadho** (killing of a living being) **na tu** (not) **prāṇivadho** (killing of a living being) **jīvavadhaḥ** (killing of a living being) **tasya** (of that) **hantumaśakyatvāt** (because it is impossible to kill). **Musāvāe** (false speech) **itti** (thus) **ekāraḥ** (the letter 'a') **prākṛtabhavaḥ** (is in Prakrit). **Mṛṣā** (false) **mithyāvadanaṁ** (false speech) **mṛṣāvādaḥ** (false speech). **Sa ca** (and that) **dravya bhāva bhedāt** (due to the difference in the nature of the object) **dvidhā** (two types) **krodhādibhedāt** (due to the difference in anger, etc.) **abhūtodbhāvanabhedācca** (and due to the difference in the creation of the non-existent) **caturdhā** (four types). **Tatra** (there) **krodhādibhedāḥ** (the differences in anger, etc.) **prasiddhaḥ** (are well-known). 1- **Tatra** (there) **abhūtodbhāvanaṁ** (creation of the non-existent) **yathā** (as) **sarvagata ātmā** (the all-pervading soul), 2- **bhūtanīhnavaḥ** (destruction of the existent) **yathā** (as) **nāstyātmā** (there is no soul), 3- **vastvantaranȳāsaḥ** (