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## 298
**Rasagarava K.** Good! If someone says that there is no one who enjoys the taste of delicious food, etc., then in this case, the wise king Jitashatru, who enjoyed the water of the ritual, should be cited as an example. ||60||
**Satagarava K.** To make happiness flourish. To say, "There is no one happier than me in this world," etc. In this case, the example of Sisupal Raja should be cited. ||61||
**Aveeraman K.** If someone says that there is no cessation of meditation, then in this case, like the priest Bhrigu, who kept his son in the knowledge of all cessation, but did not know that his son was a meat-eater, and said, "This one seems to be a good person, but he is a meat-eater," etc., this is the result of non-cessation. ||62||
**Amucti K.** To not desire liberation or moksha. The meaning is the desire for worldly happiness. If someone desires worldly happiness and dies, then this is called "Amuctimaran." If someone meditates like this, then in this case, like the virtuous Chitra, who, while being in the world, was born in the position of a Chakravarti, desired that position and made it his own. ||63||
These 36 types of meditation are natural to the angry and cruel. They are suitable for those who are deceitful and have committed evil deeds. The anusvara (nasal sound) in all the words of meditation is to be understood as an alakshanika (unmarked) and should be omitted.
**Haveai** If someone says that all meditation is in a particular state, then that state is called "Haveai."
**Pasuttas K.** If someone is asleep or awake, and if he is involved in something for many days or a few days, or for many nights or a few nights, then this is called "Pasuttas."
**Uttamart K.** If someone is involved in knowledge, etc., and if there is transgression, reversal, excess, or misconduct, then this is called "Michchami Dukkadam."
**Michchami Dukkadam K.** This sin is false and fruitless.
**Haveai** The meaning of transgression, etc., is explained here. If someone accepts the words of someone who invites him to eat food, etc., which is harmful, then this is called "Atikram." If someone goes to the house of the host to eat food, then this is called "Vyatikrama." If someone goes there and eats the food, then this is called "Atichaar." If someone brings the food and eats it, then this is called "Anaachaar." This is the meaning of these words. This method of false evil deeds is called "Balapanditmaran" and "Panditmaran." ||11||
**Artha Pandita** A sage who desires the death of a pandit (learned person) should say this to his Guru Bhagvant while performing Pratikraman:
O Bhagvant! I am doing Anusana, which is the only cause of attaining liberation. To accept Anusana, first of all, I turn away from all kinds of sinful activities. Especially, I turn away from the sins of the past through condemnation, and I turn away from the sins of the future through understanding. I turn away from the sin of the present by giving up sinful activities. I turn away from the sins that I have done myself or have caused others to do. I turn away from the sin of approving my own or others' sins.