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Chapter - 2 Collection of Examples
Once, a certain king, having become angry with his wife, because she had been unfaithful, had her tied up and thrown into a well. The king's brother asked, "What happened?" The brother replied, "She has been unfaithful to me for twelve years." The king asked, "What should I do?" The brother replied, "Burn the king's palace." All the people were shocked and horrified. The king then gave the brother a goat. The brother milked the goat, and filled a bowl with milk. He then told the king to burn the palace, saying that the bowl would be filled with milk. What happened? The palace was not burned, and the bowl was filled with milk every day. The king asked, "Where is the milk coming from?" The brother replied, "The goat has gone, and we will give you milk from now on." He then brought a fragrant ointment and rubbed it on the king. The king asked, "What is this?" The brother replied, "The king is suffering from a mountain of sorrow. I will help him find the path of liberation." The king agreed. The brother then said, "Let's build a golden palace." The king agreed. The brother then said, "If you can bring the ocean here, and make the water pure, then I will give you the tenth part of my wealth." The king agreed. The brother brought the ocean, and made the water pure. The king was very happy and married his wife. The brother then brought many other things for the king to enjoy. The king enjoyed all these things for twelve years. After that, the brother taught the king the path of liberation. The king followed the path of liberation for twelve years, and attained liberation. He then went to the city of the king, and went to the house of the goldsmith. The goldsmith was making a golden statue of the king. The king saw that the goldsmith was using a very sharp tool to make the statue. The king then went to the house of the goldsmith's neighbor. The neighbor was begging for food. The king saw that the neighbor was very hungry. The king then went to the house of the goldsmith's neighbor's neighbor. The neighbor's neighbor was eating a very delicious meal. The king saw that the neighbor's neighbor was very happy. The king then went to the house of the goldsmith's neighbor's neighbor's neighbor. The neighbor's neighbor's neighbor's neighbor was very sad. The king asked the neighbor's neighbor's neighbor's neighbor why he was sad. The neighbor's neighbor's neighbor's neighbor said that he had lost his son. The king then went to the house of the goldsmith's neighbor's neighbor's neighbor's neighbor's neighbor. The neighbor's neighbor's neighbor's neighbor's neighbor's neighbor was very happy. The king asked the neighbor's neighbor's neighbor's neighbor's neighbor's neighbor why he was happy. The neighbor's neighbor's neighbor's neighbor's neighbor's neighbor said that he had found his son. The king then went to the house of the goldsmith's neighbor's neighbor's neighbor's neighbor's neighbor's neighbor's neighbor. The neighbor's neighbor's neighbor's neighbor's neighbor's neighbor's neighbor was very angry. The king asked the neighbor's neighbor's neighbor's neighbor's neighbor's neighbor's neighbor why he was angry. The neighbor's neighbor's neighbor's neighbor's neighbor's neighbor's neighbor said that he had lost his son. The king then went to the house of the goldsmith's neighbor's neighbor's neighbor's neighbor
खण्डः - २ दृष्टान्तसमुच्चयः
होतं, ताहे ताए मेईए जहावत्तं सिठ्ठे, तओ रुठ्ठो देवाणुभावेण य ताओ सिबियाओ पाडिओ तुमं असरिसीओ परिणेसित्ति खड्डाए छूढो, ताहे देवो भाइ - किह ? सो भाइ- अवण्णो, भणइ-एत्तो मोएहि किंचिकालं, अच्छामि बारस वरिसाणि, तो भणइ - किं करेमि ?, भणइ - रण्णो धूयं दवावेहि, तो सव्वाओ अकिरियाओ ओहाडियाओ भविस्संति, ताहे से छगलओ दिण्णो, सो रयणाणि वोसिरइ, तेण रयणाण थालं भरियं, तेण पिया भणिओ रण्णो धूयं वरेहि, रयणाणं थालं भरेत्ता गओ, किं मग्गसि ? धूयं णिच्छूढो, एवं थालं दिवसे दिवसे गेहए, ण य देइ, अभओ भाइ-कओ रयणाणि ? सो भणइ - छगलओ हगई, अम्हवि दिज्जउ, आणीओ, मडगगंधाणि वोसिरइ, अभओ भाइ-देवाणुभावो, किं पुण ? परिक्खिज्जउ, किह ?, भणइ-राया दुक्खं वेब्भारपव्वतं सामिं वंदओ जाति, रहमग्गं करेहि, सो कओ, अज्जवि दीसइ, भणिओ-पागारं सोवण्णं करेहि, कओ, पुणोवि भणिओ-जइ समुद्दं आणेसि तत्थ व्हासो सुद्धो होहिसि तो ते दाहामो, आणीओ, वेलाए पहाविओ, विवाहो कओ सिवियाए हिंडतेण, ताओ वि से अण्णाओ आणियाओ, एवं भोगे भुंजति बारस वरिसाण, पच्छा बोहितो, महिलाहिवि बारस वरिसाणि मग्गियाणि, दिण्णाणि य, चउव्वीसाए वासेहिं सव्वाणिवि पव्वइयाणि, णवपुव्वी जाओ, एकल्ल विहारपडिमं पडिवण्णी, तत्थेव रायगिहे हिंडइ, सुवण्णकारगिहमागओ, सो य सेजियस्स सोवण्णियाणं जवाणमट्ठसंत करेइ, चेइयच्चणियाए परिवाडिए सेणिओ कारेइ तिसंझं, तस्स गिहं साहू अइगओ, तस्स एगाए वायाए भिक्खा ण णीणिया, सो य अइगओ, ते य जवा कोंचएण खाइया, सो आगओ ण पेच्छइ, रण्णो य चेतियच्चणियवेला ढुक्कइ, अज्ज अट्ठिखंडाणि कीरामित्ति, साधु संकइ, पुच्छइ, तुण्हिक्को अच्छइ, ता सीसावेढेण बंधति, भणिओ य-साह जेण गहिया, तहा आवेढिओ जहा अच्छीणि भूमीए पडियाणि, कोंचओ य दारुं फोंडेतेण सिलिंकाए आहओ गलए, तेण वन्ता, लोगो भणइ-पाव ! एए तेजवा, सो वि भगवं कालगओ सिद्धो य, लोगो आगओ, दिट्ठो मेत्तेज्जो, रण्णो कहियं, वज्झाणि आणत्ताणि, दारं पव्वइयाणि भणंति - सावग ! धम्मेण वड्ढाइ, मुक्काणि, भणइ - जइ उप्पव्वयइ तो भे कविली कड्डे ।
Jain Education International 2010_02
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