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Chapter:-2 Collection of Examples
The penance that the Jinas have spoken of, that is not found in you.
Then why are you inferior to me, while you are equal to me? ||44||
Just like this, the small ones praise themselves with the gods.
The great ones, with their virtues, have gone to the light, and the sinful ones are in darkness. ||45||
Having taken food, the small one invites the great ones.
He accepts the four-month vow, and he is also a hypocrite. ||46||
He spits at the rest, and he invites them to stay there.
The small one is full of pride, and he speaks with a bad heart. ||47||
He does not play with the great ones, and he says to himself, "I am not worthy." ||48||
He is condemned, and he goes to eat food.
He thinks to himself, "I am approved by the four great ones." ||49||
I am greedy for food, and I am a beast all the time.
These great ones are like lions, and they are hungry. ||50||
I am a beggar, and I am equal to you.
I have a bad heart, and I am not worthy. ||51||
He went to the place of the great ones, and he thought to himself, "Just like the earth, which is full of life, the perfect knowledge has arisen." ||52||
The wind of the gods, which is full of fragrance, blows the flowers.
The fragrance is placed in the lotus flower by the gods. ||53||
Just like this, the gods praise the great ones with their great glory.
The omniscient one speaks the Dharma, and he says to the gods, "You are great ones." ||54||
"O great ones, you will all be liberated in the three times.
You are condemned, and you are equal to the small ones, and you are advising them." ||55||
Just like this, they attain the supreme knowledge, which is pure.
The five perfect ones, with their knowledge, are liberated. ||56||
Just like this, you have suffered, and you have been forgiven.
You have been praised by the gods, so forgive them, and destroy your anger. ||57||
49. In the Srimad Bhava Vijay, which is written by Sri Uttara Adhyayana, the story of Gosthamahila is told. "And then, the story of the seventh one, who was born in the year 700, is told. ||1||" "Thus," the gods praised the Aryaraksita, who were mentioned before. They went to the city of Dashpur, along with their disciples. ||2||
They had three disciples, who were very wise. The first one was called Durbalika Pushpamitra. ||3||
The second one was the brother of the Suri, and his name was Falguraksita. The third one was Gosthamahila, who was the uncle of the Suri. ||4||
At that time, a non-believer came to the city of Mathura. He deceived many people by saying that there is no soul. ||5||
There was a group of saints, but there was no one who could argue with him. The non-believer was a deceiver, and he had to be stopped. ||6||
The group of saints in Mathura wanted to defeat the non-believer. They sent the monks to the presence of Sri Aryaraksita. ||7||
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