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## 242
**44. The story of Brahmadutta in the commentary on the Sri Upadeshamala, in the section on harsh meditation.**
When Brahmaraja died, his wife Chulini, who had a long name, was destroyed along with his friend. Recognizing this, the minister Dhanumantri brought up Brahmadutta, his son. Seeing the gathering of crows and cuckoos, he gave Brahmadutta a companion, his own son, Varadhanu. Knowing this somehow, she thought, "He will be an obstacle to my enjoyment. Therefore, I will kill this Brahmadutta." To wash away the slander of the people, she brought forward a certain girl, entered the previously prepared house of fire, and gave him the fire unnoticed. The minister, using a previously prepared method, expelled him with a pit in the ground, and he went to a place and time suitable for him. || 44. The story of Yugabahuu in the commentary on the Sri Upadeshamala-Pushpamala-Granthabridhavritta.
**There is a city named Sundasan, which is the best of the Jain community in Avanti.** It is a very beautiful and pleasant place, and it is very large. || 1 ||
**There is a king named Maniraho, who is like a jewel, a treasure, and a sea of water.** He is very beautiful, has a beautiful voice, and is very generous. || 2 ||
**His younger sister was named Yugabahuu, and she was very beautiful.** Her name was Mayanareha, and she was very virtuous. || 3 ||
**Her beauty was like a blazing fire, and she was very attractive.** The people of the city thought that she was very beautiful. || 4 ||
**Maniraho, thinking of her in his heart, was very sad.** He thought, "I will kill her with arrows." || 5 ||
**"I must take her, I will entice her." People do good and bad deeds because of their attachment to worldly pleasures.** || 6 ||
**She was like a flower, fruit, and a beautiful woman, and she was very attractive.** She was very pure and she was very attractive. || 7 ||
**One day, two people came to her and said, "O beautiful one, the king is very fond of you."** || 8 ||
**"I want to enjoy her, I want to rule over all the kingdoms." Mayanareha, who was devoted to the Jain teachings, said this.** || 9 ||
**Even a good man does not desire another man's wife.** But to desire many women is a great sin. || 10 ||
**Purity is the first virtue of women. If she does not have that, then what other virtues does she have?** What good is a woman who does not have purity? || 11 ||
**The queen of the Yuvraj was very beautiful and she was very powerful.** "May this not happen to me, may my purity not be broken." || 12 ||
**Where there is a fire of time, youth, and desire, who enjoys doing good deeds?** || 13 ||
**"If I were to be born again, I would not go to the world of women." There are many women, but I am not attracted to any of them.** || 14 ||
**You have enjoyed the pleasures of the world, you have enjoyed the three worlds.** You have gone to hell, you have been bound by your actions. || 1