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## 212
## The Scattering of the Eager Refusal
The commander, having defeated the aerial army of the Chakra, attacked the elephant army. Like balls, the elephants, tossed by the force of his fist, fell back to the ground. Seeing that the Chakra was about to be defeated, he released his chakra. Seeing this, the Chakra, terrified and defeated, fled to the Meru mountains, the ocean, and wherever he went, the chakra, like a karma earned in the past, did not leave his back. Then, using his knowledge, he created a vajra cage and entered it. Then the chakra gods said, "Hey, hey, you rascal! Why are you mocking your own strength?" After six months, he emerged from the cage, and the chakra, having severed his head, remained in the Chakra's hand. Thus, the two fought for twelve years. One day, the eldest son of the Chakra, Surya Yasha, spread like a wildfire in the army of Bahubali. He arrived in front of his father's enemy. Bahubali said, "Son! You are weak, and I am happy that you have dared to attack my army. You, my son, have brought glory to our lineage. But there is no one in the three worlds who can withstand my anger. Therefore, abandon my sight and go far away."
He said, "Father! Who will fulfill my desire for battle today without you?" Saying this, he made the sound of a bowstring. Then the gods, gathering together, forbade the battle between the two brothers and said, "O sons of the king of the ages! Your father has protected this world. Why are you two now trying to destroy it? This is not befitting of you. For the sake of testing your strength, you two should fight with the five weapons given by us: 1. Sight, 2. Speech, 3. Fist, 4. Arm, 5. Weapons and signs." Having accepted the words of the gods, the two brothers stood with the gods as witnesses. Then the Chakra soldiers thought, "Even Indra has doubts about winning a duel with this one. How then will our master win?" Seeing the soldiers thinking this, the Chakra, to show his strength, had a large pit dug and stood at its edge. He bound his left arm with a large iron chain and said to all the soldiers, "All of you, together, pull the chain and throw me into the pit." Even though they all pulled together, his mind did not waver. Because even all the men, women, elephants, horses, and other creatures born on earth could not pull the Chakra even a little, what could the army do? Then the Chakra, with a smile on his face, pulled his own hand. With that, all of them, bound by the chain, hung like vines and birds. Seeing this feat, the witnesses stood far away, happy like spectators.
Then the two kings of the Chakra, standing face to face for the battle of sight, looked at each other with unwavering eyes. Their copper eyes were terrifying. Then, seeing the face of Bahubali, with his terrible eyes, the Chakra's eyes filled with tears and he quickly looked away. His entire army became dejected. Then, ashamed, Bahubali said, "Brother! Why are you worried? Engage in a battle of words with me." Having been told this, the Chakra roared like a lion, and a deafening sound filled the sky. Then, in anger, Bahubali roared like a lion, and all the soldiers fainted. Again, the Chakra king and Bahubali roared with a terrible roar. Then the Chakra's sound, like the shadow of the morning, like the friendship of the wicked,