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Chapter - 2, Collection of Examples within the Discourse on Miscellaneous Sayings: 1. The story of Ashakata's father, who was ignorant and heedless, from the scriptures on the conduct of the Sangha. A certain Suri, being negligent, became devoid of knowledge after death. He was reborn in the same family, like a pearl from the ocean of knowledge. ||1|| Thus, in a certain family of monks, residing on the banks of the Ganga, two brothers took vows and became peaceful. One of them was very knowledgeable. ||2|| He became a Suri, and was constantly served by his disciples who sought the essence of the scriptures. He spent every day in service, never taking rest. ||3|| Even at night, he did not get restful sleep, being constantly engaged in contemplation and answering questions about the scriptures. ||4|| His other brother, however, always lived comfortably. Seeing him, the Suri, filled with a sense of inferiority, thought: ||5|| "Oh, how fortunate my brother is, who lives happily always. Due to his lack of knowledge and wisdom, he will not be afflicted by any suffering." ||6|| "I, on the other hand, have attained knowledge like a sharp sword, and will not be afflicted by any suffering. This has been explained to me by a wise person." ||7|| "My friend, ignorance is indeed pleasant for me, and for him too. He has eight qualities: 1-He is carefree, 2-He eats a lot, 3-He is not concerned about others, 4-He sleeps day and night, 5-He is blind and deaf to the consideration of right and wrong actions, 6-He is indifferent to honor and dishonor, 7-He is mostly free from fear, 8-He is strong and foolish, and lives happily." ||8|| "He does not contemplate the nectar-like essence of various scriptures, nor does he enjoy the company of learned people. Their days pass by in the pursuit of knowledge, their minds unburdened. Their birth and life are fruitful, adorned by them. What is the use of others, who are like animals, devoid of discrimination, and a burden to the world?" ||9|| "Thus, filled with hatred for knowledge, he desired knowledge. With a wicked mind, he committed an act that destroyed knowledge due to his negligence." ||10|| "Without considering the consequences of violating the principles of knowledge and conduct, he became a god in the celestial realm, due to the influence of his past actions." ||11|| "He fell from that family into a family of Abhiras, and was born as a son in Bharata. He married a girl of his own caste, who was like his own self, to his parents." ||12|| "One day, a beautiful and virtuous daughter was born to him. She reached youth, captivating the hearts of young men." ||13|| "Her father, wanting to sell ghee, left her at home and went to the city with the Abhiras." ||14|| "Seeing her, the young men lost their minds and their senses. They strayed from the path, and fell down somewhere." ||15|| "They gathered together, and seeing her, they called her Ashakata, Ashakata-pita, again and again." ||16||