Capable of salvation (Bhavyasidhik jeevas) beings will get Sidhi, become Budh (enlightened) and will be liberated from the bondage of Karmas after completion of six reincarnations in future. After that they will attain the state of Nirvana. Eventually they would end all of their miseries and sufferings.
। छठा समवाय समाप्त ( The End of Sixth Samvaya)
सातवां समवाय
The Seventh Samvaya ३७- सत्त भयट्ठाणा पण्णत्ता, तं जहा-इहलोगभए परलोगभए आदाणभए अकम्हाभए आजीवभए मरणभए असिलोगभए। सत्त समुग्धाया पण्णत्ता, तं जहा-वेयणासमुग्घाए | कसायसमुग्घाए मारणंतियसमुग्घाए वेउव्वियसमुग्घाए तेयसमुग्घाए आहारसमुग्घाए
केवलिसमुग्घाए। ... भय-स्थान सात प्रकार के कहे गए हैं, यथा – १. इहलोक भय, २. परलोक भय, ३. आदान * भय, ४. अकस्मात् भय, ५. आजीव भय (जीविका सम्बन्धी भय), ६. मरण भय, ७. अश्लोक भय
(निन्दा या अपकीर्ति का भय)। समुद्घातों की संख्या सात बतायी गई है यथा – १. वेदना समुद्घात,
२. कषाय समुद्घात, ३. मारणान्तिक समुद्घात, ४. वैक्रिय समुद्घात, ५. तेजस समुद्घात, ६. आहारक * समुद्घात, ७. केवलि समुद्घात।
The fears (Bhaya) have been said of seven types i.e. 1. Ihloka Bhaya (The F fear of this world), 2. Parloka Bhaya (The fear of otherworld), 3. Aadan Bhaya F (The fear of taking something), 4. Aksmat Bhaya (The fear of sudden
happening), 5. Ajeevika Bhaya (The fear of earning of livelihood), 6. Marana
Bhaya (The fear of death), 7. Asloka Bhaya (The fear of humiliation and * criticism). The number of Samudghat has been told of seven types i.e. 1. Vedna * Samudghat, 2. Kshaya Samudghat, 3. Marnantik Samudghat, 4. Vaikriya
Samudghat, 5. Tejas Samudghat, 6. Aaharak Samudghat, 7. Kewali Samudghat (Expansion of space point of the jeeva throughout the three realms (lokas) at the time of attaining the absolute knowledge Kewal Gyan (omniscience).
३८- समणे भगवं महावीरे सत्त रयणीओ उड्ढे उच्चत्तेण होत्था। श्रमण भगवान महावीर का शरीर सात रनि-हाथ प्रमाण ऊँचा था। The height of the body of Shri Mahavira Bhagwan was equal to seven cubit.
समवायांग सूत्र
7th Samvaya