Upāyakausalya doctrine of the SPS are also traced
in this work? It also refers to the MV2. (vi) TATTVAVINIŚCAYA-BHĀȘYA : Bu-ston regards this
work a commentary on the AA, Haribhadra informs us that Āryāsanga composed a bhāșya on the Tattvaniscaya”. Divergent views are prevalent with regards to the identification of Tattvanićcaya”. There is a possibility that this Tattvaniscaya might be another name of the AA which was
TIŚĀSTRA : This work is ascribed to āryāsanga in the Chinese translation but it is not available in its originale form. It was translated by Yüan-Chwang (625 A.D.)?. At the beginning of the work, Asanga has been stated to be its author and the work contains the essentials of the YBS in verses which are explained in the prose-commentary following each verse. It is doubtful whether this work is identical with No. (ii) described above.
1. Vide, Supra, Sec. 4 2. p. 141, MSAB. 3. II.140. 4. AAA, Introductory Vs. 2, p. 267. 5. For a consideration of these views, vide, Wayman, pp. 34-9. 6. Vide, Wayman, pp. 33, 39. 7. This work was translated into Chinese by Yüan-Chwang (625
A.D.), Nanjio, no. 1199.