(iii) ABHIDHARMASAMUCCAYA : This work represents the
Yogācāra viewpoint regarding the dharmas. The main portion of the text contains detailed discussions regarding the Buddhist dhyāna-(Yoga). This work seems to be a summary-review of the SBh?.
Sthiramati wrote a commentary on this work? (iv) ARYATRIŚATIKĀYĀŇ PRAJÑĀPĀRAMITĀYĀĻ KĀRIKĀ
SAPTATIụ : This is a commentary on the VCPP in seventy-seven verses and contains a succint account of the PP. doctrines as found in the
commentary on the MSA of Maitreyanāthapāda. It contains references to the Sandhinirmocanasūtra, Daśabhūmaka, Akşarāśi, Māņļavya, Sthāna and other Mahāyāna Sūtras. References to the
1. Ed. Prahlad Pradhan, Vishwabharati, 1950; Bu-ston, loc. cit.,
Wayman, pp. 39-41. 2. The Bhāşya of Sthiramati is being published by the K.P. Jayaswal
Research Institute, Patna. 3. Ed. G. Tucci in MBT, I.1 sq.; it was translated into Chinese by
Dharmagupta (590-616 A.D.), Nanjio No. 1169, Bagchi, 1.258. 4. Ed. and Translated, S. Lévi, Tome, I, II, Paris, 1907, 1911, he
ascribes the whole work (verses and commentary) to Asanga; vide also HIL, II.354, f-n. 1; H. Ui thinks that the commentary is by Vasubandhu, Z 11,6, 1928, p. 220 sq.; but literary evidence of recently discovered texts sheds more light on this point and ascribes the verses to Maitreyanātha and the Bhāşya to Asanga, the Bhāşya has been utilised and profusely quoted by Jñānaśrimitra (c. 1100 A.D.), for references, vide, Supra, Sec. 6.