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In Indra's pillar and other works, the moon is hot, the sun is cold, seated in the Uktasana posture, the exit is opened by the water, the lotus rises on the fifth day, or even
The wind rises in the east,
The vehicle, umbrella, heat, and cold of the Upana, the fierce, upward-flaming,
In the absence of hands, with ten, thirty-one days, nine days in one place, one, two, three, four
One, two, three, four
One, two, three, four
One, two, three, four, one, two, three, four, five, in the destruction of one, twenty-one days for the other, eleven days for the sun
Twenty-nine days, one, two, three days, these are oppressed, in these, the goal is achieved, thus, the spiritual time, thus, the victory over the breath, etc., thus, in the other bodies, thus, by the same order of rays, this woman, man, in the throat, for the destruction of hunger and thirst, the opening of the ear, the awakening, thus, the entry into another's house, where is the circle of motion, the age, the insects, the ghee-colored, the black, the black entourage, the service of agriculture, etc., all, the Kurpari, placing the knee
Who will win in the battle of the two? The corner, the diagonal, the oppressed, the light of the fire, the color, in the absence of the neck, four, the vulture, the crow, the pigeon, the teacher, the friend, the king, the ministers,
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In the house, the royal family, etc., the sound of the bell, at the end, if so, four in the left hand, four on the side, the teacher,
Umbrella, fly whisk, elephant,
Fourteen days, worshiping with sandalwood, the earth,
In the moon, woman, man, in the sun, vomiting, urine, feces, or, in the birth star, in the moon, victory, life, gain, etc., is born, the grinding of teeth, the tongue does not take taste, from that place of going, walking, standing, in order, by the same, then slowly, becoming black, then ignorance is destroyed, thus, fifteen days,
Thus, carrying, thus, twelve days,
Thus, in the wind,
Thus, in the wind, it carries, thirty-three days, thirteen days, the sun
Three fortnights, otherwise, there is, quick gain in Varuna,
The dark one, when the palate trembles, the mind is sorrow, then, then, the lightning speed, twenty-two days, thus, two ghatikas, I should make, ten or fifteen, ten days, carrying, the moon, in the killing of the day, in the question of war, in the south, bending, going out to the south, half a day, one day, with days, in the destruction of the shoulder, in the daytime, coming face to face, firm practice, then, one should do, seen, stuck, by evil planets, the seventh of the bow and Gemini, white, cold, having studied, the heart, eight-petaled lotus,
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Not the shadow of oneself,
In men, horses, and dogs, not one's own nose, one's own tongue, the vein is pure, says the wise, on the lotus of the navel, the ear, mounted, from the navel, the going out, in the navel, for fever, etc., by the power of nose attraction, by the power of the place of the nose, etc.,
Filling the nostril, at the time of the sign, there,
Carrying the one who is not rooted,
The going out and the going in,
From the eye, ear, and head splitting, one will not see, in the left arm, twenty-five days, thus, crossing five, the moving sun, the bee, in the body, the path, the moon, Indra, Varuna, the other's shadow, for the other's sake, seeing every day, in the cloudless,
Withdrawal, thus, peaceful, from withdrawal, strength, radiance, on the first day, time, the opposite, from the blows, first, placing on the head, in the morning, or in the evening, carrying in one nostril, at the time of entry, the questioner, etc., the name,
Happy, white, with meditation, breath, apana, samana, udana, breath, apana, samana, udana, pranayama, then, by some, pranayama, the cutting off of motion, breath, not the tip of the nose, the strength of the navel, the fire of the stomach, in the wind, it wanders, eight feet, thumb, etc., in the shin, in the big toe, the mind, the grasping of sin, if it rises, with a yellow dot, the earth, like nectar, it rains, in the question, then, they are joined,
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