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Answers to questions related to success of actions, non-success, and children
According to the 44th verse in the fifth light of Yoga Shastra, if the Varuṇamandala is flowing fully from the left nostril, then the actions started at that time are sure to be successful. || 230 || And
|| 693 | Victory, life, profit, and all other actions are all futile if the wind is in the right nostril. || 231 || And
|| 694 | A wise man, knowing the wind well, should drop a flower from his hand. He should then decide about life and death. || 232 || Meaning: - To gain special knowledge of life and death, a wise man, knowing the wind well, drops a flower from his hand and makes his decision. This is the method of that decision. || 232 ||
|| 695 | If the Varuṇamandala is rising, there will be immediate profit, if the Purandara (Earth Mandala) is rising, there will be profit after a long time, if the wind is blowing, there will be little profit, and if the Agni Mandala is blowing, even a successful work will be destroyed. || 233 || And
|| 696 | If the Varuṇamandala is active when a question is asked about a person who has gone to a village or country, he will return soon, if the question is asked in the Purandaramandala, he is happy where he has gone, if the question is asked in the wind mandala, he has gone elsewhere, and if the question is asked in the Agni Mandala, say that he has died. || 234 || And
|| 697 | If a question about war is asked in the Agni Mandala, there will be a terrible war and defeat. If the question is asked in the wind mandala, the person for whom the question was asked will die and the army will be destroyed. || 235 ||
|| 698 | If the question is asked in the Mahendra Mandala, i.e., the earth element, there will be victory in the war, if the question is asked in the Varuṇamandala, there will be more than desired profit, and there will be a treaty with the defeat of the enemy, indicating one's own success. || 236 || And
|| 699 | If the question about rain is asked in the Bhūma Mandala, there will be rain, if the question is asked in the Varuṇamandala, there will be more rain than expected, if the question is asked in the wind mandala, there will be bad days and clouds, but no rain, and if the question is asked in the Agni Mandala, there will be little rain. || 237 ||
|| 700 | If the question about the production of crops is asked in the Varuṇamandala, there will be production of crops, if the question is asked in the Purandaramandala, there will be a lot of production of crops, if the question is asked in the wind mandala, there will be medium production of crops; it will be in some places and not in others, and if the question is asked in the Agni Mandala, there will be no production of crops at all. || 238 || || 701 | Mahendra and Varuṇamandala are good for questions about pregnancy, they give birth to a son. The wind and fire are good for women, and the void destroys the fetus. || 239 || Meaning: - In questions related to pregnancy, Mahendra and Varuṇamandala are superior, if the question is asked in them, a son is obtained, the wind and