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## The Auspicious and Inauspicious Effects of Air
**Yoga Shastra, Fifth Light, Verses 58 to 64**
**Verse 58:**
* **Meaning:** When air enters the body, it is called *Jiva* (life), and when it exits, it is called *Mrityu* (death). Therefore, wise ones say that the effect of entering air is auspicious, and the effect of exiting air is inauspicious. This means that if the *Purvak* (inhaling) air enters the nostrils and someone asks a question, that task will be successful. But if the *Rechak* (exhaling) air exits the body and someone asks a question, that task will not be successful.
**Verse 59:**
* **Meaning:** The *Purandar* and *Varun* air, entering through the left nostril (Moon), grants all success. But when these two exit through the right nostril (Sun), they bring destruction. And when these two enter and exit through the right nostril, they bring moderate results.
**Verse 60:**
* **Meaning:** The *Purandar* and *Varun* air, exiting through the right nostril, bring destruction. But when these two enter and exit through the left nostril, they bring moderate results.
**Verse 61:**
* **Meaning:** The left nostril is called *Ida*, and the Moon resides there. The right nostril is called *Pingala*, and the Sun resides there. The *Sushumna* nadi, located in the middle, is considered the path to liberation.
**Verse 62:**
* **Meaning:** The left nostril is considered to be filled with nectar, showering the entire body with it constantly. It is also considered to be a sign of fulfilling desires.
**Verse 63:**
* **Meaning:** The right nostril carries the signs of inauspiciousness and hinders tasks. The *Sushumna* nadi is the cause of the eight great powers (Animadi) and liberation.
**Verse 64:**
* **Meaning:** The left nostril is auspicious for starting auspicious tasks like journeys, donations, weddings, wearing new clothes and ornaments, entering villages, cities, and homes, meeting loved ones, peace rituals, nourishing activities, yoga practice, meeting royalty, healing, friendship, and sowing seeds. The right nostril is auspicious for activities like eating, conflict, sensual pleasures, war, mantra practice, initiation, service, business, medicine, dealing with ghosts and spirits, and other fierce activities.
The meaning is that focusing on the *Sushumna* nadi leads to quick concentration in meditation and a long-lasting practice. This helps in destroying karma quickly, making it the path to liberation. Additionally, the air flow in the *Sushumna* nadi is very slow, allowing the mind to easily become still. The stillness of mind and breath makes it easier to practice self-control. Holding *Dharana*, *Dhyana*, and *Samadhi* in one place is self-control, and this kind of self-control leads to powers. Therefore, the *Sushumna* nadi is considered the cause of liberation and powers.
This passage explains the auspicious and inauspicious effects of air based on its direction of flow through the nostrils. It also highlights the importance of the *Sushumna* nadi in achieving liberation and powers.