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## Description of Devaloka
**Chapter Four, Light of Yoga, Verse 105:**
The Devaloka of Anata and Pranata is crescent-shaped and has a Pranata-kalpa. It has one Indra for both kalpas of the same name. Above it, there is a similar crescent-shaped, round Aran and Achyuta. There, the Achyuta-kalpa residents have one Indra for both kalpas of the same name. All the Devas in the Devalokas above are Ahindra. The first two kalpas are based on Ghanodadhi. The next kalpa is based on Vayu. The following three kalpas are based on Ghanodadhi and Ghanavat. The kalpas above are based on Akash.
These kalpa-born Devas are divided into ten categories: Indra, Samanika, Trayastrimsa, Parishadya, Atma-rakshaka, Lokapala, Sainik, Prakirnaka, Abhiyogi, and Kilbishika. Indra is the master of the first nine categories. Samanika Devas are like the head, father, guru, and Upadhyaya, but they lack the Indra position. Trayastrimsa Devas are like ministers and priests. Parishadya Devas are like friends. Atma-rakshaka Devas are like bodyguards. Lokapala Devas are like Kotwal (police officers) or messengers. Anik Devas are like soldiers. Their leader is like a general. They should also be considered Anik Devas. Prakirnaka Devas are like city, people, and country residents. Abhiyogi Devas are like servants who obey orders. Kilbishika Devas are like outcasts.
In Vyantar and Jyotishka Devalokas, there are no Trayastrimsa and Lokapala Devas. All other Devas are present there.
There are 3.2 million Vimanas in Saudharma Devaloka, 2.8 million in Ishana, 1.2 million in Sanatkumar, 800,000 in Mahendra, 400,000 in Brahmaloka, 50,000 in Lantaka, 40,000 in Shukra, 6,000 in Sahasrar, 400 in Anata and Pranata, 300 in Aran and Achyuta, 111 in the first three Graveyaka, 107 in the middle three Graveyaka, 100 in the upper three Graveyaka, and only 5 in Anuttar. In total, there are 8,497,023 Vimanas.
The four Anuttar Vimanas residents, including Vijaya, have two births remaining. The Sarvarthasiddha Devas have only one birth remaining.
From Saudharma Devaloka to Sarvarthasiddha, the Devas' lifespan, position, influence, happiness, radiance, Leshya, purity, sense objects, and Avadhijnana increase progressively. Their speed, body attachments, and pride decrease progressively. Breathing is the same for all, with a low frequency. The Bhavanapati and other Devas eat after seven stokas and fast for one upavasa. The Palyopama-sthiti Devas breathe once a day and eat every two to nine days. Devas with a lifespan of one Sagaropama breathe once every Pakshika and eat every thousand years. Devas generally have seven Vedaniya Karmas. If they have Asata Vedaniya Karma, it lasts only for a short time, not longer.
Devis are born only up to the second Ishana Devaloka. However, they can go up to the twelfth Achyuta Devaloka. Other intoxicated tapaswis and Jyotishka Devas can go up to the Jyotishka Devaloka. Panchendriya Tiryanchas can go up to the eighth Sahasrar kalpa. Human Shravakas can go up to the twelfth Achyuta Devaloka. Those who accept the character-mark of Shri Jinendra Bhagavan, those who are Mithyadrishti, those who follow the true path, can go up to the ninth Graveyaka. The fourteen Purvadhars can go from Brahmaloka to Sarvarthasiddha. Sadhus and Shravakas with unbroken vows can be born in the lowest Saudharma Devaloka.
Devas from Bhavanavasi to the second Ishana Devaloka enjoy sexual pleasure through their bodies. These Devas are like humans with entangled Karmas, deeply attached to sexual pleasure, immersed in it with intensity, and enjoy the touch of their bodies, finding pleasure in it. Devas in the third and fourth kalpas enjoy only touch pleasure. Devas in the fifth and sixth kalpas are satisfied by seeing the form of Devis. Devas in the seventh and eighth Devalokas are satisfied by hearing the voice of Devis. Devas in the ninth to twelfth Devalokas are satisfied by mentally thinking about Devis. Devas above that are not satisfied by any of these.
1. There are different opinions on this topic.
2. There are also differences of opinion on this topic. The limit is up to the eighth Devaloka.
3. Mental thinking about Devis is considered the same as their arrival.