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## Mind Conquest
**Chapter Four of Yoga Shastra, Verses 40-44**
Now, we praise the purity of mind, which is the cause of conquering the senses. (366)
**Verse 40:**
> The purity of mind is the only lamp, declared by the wise, that never extinguishes and always shows the path to liberation.
> The ancient teachers have accepted that even without Yama, Niyama, etc., the purity of mind alone is such a lamp that never extinguishes and always shows the path to liberation.
> It is also said that if someone makes a great effort in auspicious yogas like knowledge, meditation, charity, honor, silence, etc., but their mind is not pure (clean), then their effort should be considered like pouring ghee into ashes. (4)
Now, we give advice with the view of explaining the benefits of purity of mind through analogy and contrast. (367)
**Verse 41:**
> If the mind is pure, even if other qualities are absent, they still exist due to the goodness of their fruits. Conversely, if the mind is not pure, even if other qualities are present, qualities like forgiveness, etc., do not exist because their fruits are absent. Therefore, wise men should definitely cultivate the fruitful purity of mind.
> If there is purity of mind and other qualities are not present, then also the qualities like forgiveness, etc., remain due to the goodness of their fruits. On the contrary, if there is no purity of mind, then even if other qualities are present, qualities like forgiveness, etc., are not present because their fruits are absent. Therefore, wise men should definitely cultivate the fruitful purity of mind.
> To those who say, "What is the need for purity of mind? We will attain liberation through the power of austerity," we give this reply. (368)
**Verse 42:**
> Those who strive for liberation through austerity without purity of mind are like those who want to cross the great ocean by abandoning the boat and using their arms.
> Those who strive for liberation through austerity without purity of mind are like those who want to cross the great ocean by abandoning the boat and using their arms.
> Those who neglect purity of mind, saying, "Austerity combined with meditation is liberating," and who declare, "Meditation is the cause of the destruction of karma," we give this reply. (369)
**Verse 43:**
> Just as a mirror is useless for the blind, so too is meditation for a pure ascetic without purity of mind.
> Just as a mirror is useless for the blind, so too is meditation for a pure ascetic without purity of mind.
> Although it is heard that a person can reach the ninth stage of liberation through the power of austerity and meditation without purity of mind, this statement should be understood as a general rule. And attaining the ninth stage of liberation is a worldly fruit, which is not considered in the calculation of fruits. The fruit that leads to liberation is considered the fruit here. Therefore, it is useless to expect the fruit of liberation from mere meditation without purity of mind. Although a mirror is a means of seeing form, it is useless for someone who is blind. Similarly, meditation without purity of mind is useless.
Now, we conclude. (370)
**Verse 44:**
> Therefore, a seeker who desires liberation must definitely cultivate purity of mind. What is the benefit of fasting, study of scriptures, the great vow of Yama, and other rules of conduct, except for bodily punishment?
> Therefore, a seeker who desires liberation must definitely cultivate purity of mind. What is the benefit of fasting, study of scriptures, the great vow of Yama, and other rules of conduct, except for bodily punishment?
> Here, it should also be added that "How does purity of mind occur?" Purity of mind occurs through the purity of the leshyas. Therefore, we explain the leshyas in this context.
**Description of Leshyas:**
> There are six leshyas: black, blue, dove-colored, radiant, lotus-colored, and white. The appearance of corresponding results in the soul with the help of colored matter according to the karma-varna is called leshya. Although the soul is pure and clear like crystal, due to the influence of karma, it becomes colored by the leshyas.