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## Conquering the Four Kṣayās and Indriyas: A Description
**Chapter Four, Light of Yoga, Verses 23-25**
**Verse 23:**
* **Content:** This verse summarizes the conquest of the four Kṣayās (poisons): anger, pride, deceit, and greed. It states that anger is conquered by patience, pride by humility, deceit by simplicity, and greed by non-attachment (santosha).
* **Explanation:** While both conquering the Kṣayās and the Indriyas (senses) are considered causes of liberation, conquering the Kṣayās is considered more important, with conquering the Indriyas being a prerequisite.
**Verse 24:**
* **Content:** This verse emphasizes the importance of conquering the Indriyas for achieving victory over the Kṣayās. It states that one cannot conquer the Kṣayās without first conquering the Indriyas.
* **Explanation:** The verse uses the analogy of the cold of winter (Hemant) and fire. Just as the cold of winter cannot be overcome without fire, the Kṣayās cannot be conquered without conquering the Indriyas.
**Verse 25:**
* **Content:** This verse warns about the dangers of uncontrolled Indriyas. It states that uncontrolled Indriyas, like wild horses, can drag a person to the forest of hell (Naraka).
* **Explanation:** The verse highlights the importance of controlling the Indriyas to avoid falling into the clutches of the Kṣayās and their consequences.
These verses emphasize the importance of conquering both the Kṣayās and the Indriyas for achieving liberation. Conquering the Indriyas is essential for conquering the Kṣayās, and both are crucial for attaining liberation.