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## Explanation of the Transgressions of the Samayik Vrat
**From Yoga Shastra, Third Light, Verses 114-115**
It is believed that there can be more than five transgressions of the Samayik Vrat. This is because many mistakes can be made due to ignorance. Therefore, one should understand the appropriate transgressions for each Vrat.
**Doubt:** Are actions like Angarakarma, etc., considered Kharakarma? How are these considered transgressions? Because all these actions are in the form of Kharakarma and Karmadan.
**Answer:** In reality, all these are in the form of Kharakarma. Therefore, those who adopt the Vrat of renouncing these actions consider them transgressions. Those who perform such actions intentionally, their Vrat is broken. ||113||
Now, we discuss the transgressions of the Anarthadanda-Virati Vrat. ||285||
**Verse 114:**
1. Keeping the means or the object of violence together.
2. Keeping more than necessary means of enjoyment.
3. Speaking without thinking.
4. Acting like a clown.
5. Using words that arouse lust.
These five are the transgressions of Anarthadanda-Virati. ||114||
These five transgressions are mentioned for those who have renounced Anarthadanda. They are as follows:
* **First Transgression:** The object that makes the soul eligible for bad destiny is called "Adhikarana". Keeping together or near objects like a mortar, pestle, plow, cart, dice with a bow, arrow, etc., is the first transgression. A Shravak should not keep such objects together, but should keep them separate. If the objects are kept together and someone asks for them, it cannot be refused. But if they are scattered, it can be easily refused. This is the first transgression, which is the form of violent giving of Anarthadanda.
* **Second Transgression:** Excessive use of the objects or means of the five senses leads to excessive enjoyment. Excessive enjoyment, by its nature, is excessive enjoyment. This transgression occurs due to careless conduct. Storing or using excessively items like bath, drink, food, sandalwood, saffron, musk, clothes, ornaments, etc., for oneself or one's family is the second transgression called "Pramada". In this regard, the ancient tradition in "Aavashyakachurni" states that those who consume excessive oil, amla, soap, etc., and bathe by jumping or entering ponds and other water bodies, and waste excessive water, cause great harm to aquatic creatures and other beings. It is not appropriate or desirable for a Shravak to do so. What is the proper conduct for a Shravak? A Shravak should primarily bathe at home. If that is not possible, they should apply oil and massage their head, apply amla powder on their head, and then go to a water body. Upon reaching a pond or other water body, they should sit on the bank and take water in a vessel and bathe by pouring water over themselves. However, they should not enter the water body. They should avoid flowers that may contain insects like "Kunthua" and other "Trasajivas". Similarly, one should understand the same for other means. This is the second transgression.
* **Third Transgression:** Speaking foolishly without thinking, speaking rudely and impolitely, and talking nonsense without being asked is the third transgression called "Papopadeśa".
* **Fourth Transgression:** "Kautkuchya" means acting like a clown. "Kut" means "Kutshit" (bad) and "Kuch" means "Cheshta" (action). Acting like a clown with one's eyes, lips, nose, hands, feet, and mouth, and contracting one's limbs is called "Kautkuchya". The meaning is that speaking words or acting in a way that makes others laugh and reveals one's inferiority is the fourth transgression called "Kautkuchya".
* **Fifth Transgression:** "Kandarpa" means speaking in a way that arouses lust or desire, or speaking about things that arouse lust. This is the fifth transgression called "Kandarpa". In this regard, the Shravak's conduct is that they should not say or do anything that creates attachment or lust in themselves or others. Otherwise, they will incur the fifth transgression called "Kandarpa". These two transgressions occur due to careless conduct.
Thus, the transgressions of the three Gunavrats are complete. Now, it is time to discuss the transgressions of the Shikshavrats. The first transgression of the Samayik Vrat is mentioned. ||286||
**Verse 115:**
* Evil intentions of body, speech, and mind.
* Disrespect.
* Not remembering the Samayik Vrat.
These are the transgressions of the Samayik Vrat. ||115||