INTRODUCTION इति श्रीजिनेश्वरसूरिशिष्यलेशाभयतिलकगणिविरचितायांश्रीहेमचन्द्राभिधानशब्दानुशासनद्वधाश्रयवृत्तौ विंशः सर्ग: समर्थितः ।
Two verses at the end of the commentary illustrating the Prakrit part are as follows :
दत्तो मुदा तैर्जिनरत्नसूरिक्षमाधिपर्बोधमणिप्रदीपः । श्रीप्राकृतद्वयाश्रयहेमगर्भस्थितं यदादर्शयदर्थजातम् ॥
falgaariai AFITIशिक्षोत्र पूर्णकलशो गणिरल्पबुद्धिः। अन्योपकारिषु पदं परिलब्धुकामो
वृत्त्यानया किमपि तत्प्रकटीचकार ॥ It is evident from this, that Abhayatilakagani was the author of the commentary on the part of the poem illustrating the seven adhyāyas and that Pūrņakalaśagani was the author of the commentary on the part illustrating the eighth adhyāya; and, that both were the pupils of Jinešvarasūri. One Lakşmitilakagani, a common friend of these two 'commentators has looked over and corrected both these commentaries, and his service is thankfully acknowledged at the end of the commentaries on both • the parts. So the ruling prince who forms the hero of this part of the poem is Kumārapāla of Anahillapura (Pattaņa); the author of the poem and of the grammar to illustrate which the poem is intended is Hemācārya or Hemacandra and the author of the commentary on the - poem is Pūrnakalasagani.
All that is known of Purnakalasagani is that Abhayatilakagani and Lakşmitilakagani were his fellowstudents and that he was the pupil of Jinacandrasūri, whose succession as the head of the Candra religious sect is thus given at the end of the commentary :
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