KUMĀRAPALA CARITA 1... Abhayadevasūri; 2.. Jinayallabha; 3, Jinadatta; 4. Jinacandra; 5. Jinapati; Jipesyara.
Next we give a short account of the subject of the poem. The poem begins with the description of the capital, Pattana and takes up the hero as being already on the *throne and with representatives of rulers of all provinces attending on him. The first five cantos and a part of the sixth are devoted to the description of Anahillapura, the wealth of the king, the splendour of the royal temples of Jina, the grandeur of the procession in which the king visited thom, the liberality and devotion with which he worshipped the images, the beauty of the kitig's gardens, and the pleasures and luxuties of the king and his subjècts it all the seasonts' of 'the year. The latter part of the sixth canto contaibs are accbunt of the warfare between the armies of Kumārapāla' and Mallikárjuna, the king of the Konkan, which ended in the defeat and death of the latter, and a brief abcount of the relattionis of Kumārapála with contemporánebus kings. The last two cantos are devoted to the expression of moral and religious reflections; in the seventh, they are placed in the mouth of the hero; and in the eighth, they comie as instructions from the goddess Srutadepí to the herb given by her at his prayer.
As this poem does not contain any account of the genealogy of the hero and the interesting events of his life previous to his attainment of sovereignty, we propose to give here, for the information of the uninformed reader, a brief account of the same, as mainly based on the Prabandhachintāmani of Merutunga;: and also a":short
*See I, 28.