समाधिमरण एवं मरण का स्वरूप
११५ देहादिवैकृतैः सम्यङ् निमित्तैस्तु सुनिश्चिते । मृत्युवाराधनामग्नमतेर्दूरे न तत्पदम् ।। वही, ८/१० रागद्वेषमोहाविष्टस्य हि विषशस्त्राधुपकरणप्रयोगवशादात्मानं घ्नत: स्वघातो भवति। न सल्लेखनां प्रतिपत्रस्य रागादयः सन्ति ततो नात्मवधदोषः ।
सर्वार्थसिद्धि, पृ०-३६३ ९३. समाधिमरणोत्साहदीपक की प्रस्तावना - डॉ० दरबारीलाल कोठिया, पृ०-३९. ९४. जैनमित्र, वर्ष ५७, पृ०-१३९. ९५. प्रमत्तयोगात् प्राणव्यपरोपणं हिंसा, तत्त्वार्थसूत्र, ७/८. ९६. जैनमित्र, वर्ष ९७ , पृ०-१३६.
मरण आत्मा का अलंकरण, ले०- श्री नानालाल जी म० सा०, उद्धृत-महावीर मिशन, तपस्वी बद्रीप्रसाद विशेषांक, फरवरी १९८८, पृ०-७९. The person adopting the vow wants to be liberated from the bondage of karma which has been responsible for all his ills in the world and for births and rebirths in different states of gatis. Contrary to the suicidal intention, there is no desire to put an end to life immediately by some violent or objectionable means. There is no question or escaping from any shamc, frustration or emotional excitement. -T.K.
Tukol. Sallekhana is not Suicide. p.87. 99. The vow is to be adopted "as a religious duty" (or to earn religious
mcrit) during a calamity, severe famine, old age or illness from which
there is no escape or against which there is no remedy. ibid, p. 87. 100. The mental condition is one of absolute freedom from passion or
attachment .... He should have no sense of possesiveness, He should put an end to all family or friendly ties by disclosing his intentions
and by asking their forgiveness with an open mind. Ibid. p. 88 101. Not the violent means of hanging. poison. stabbing. shooting or
drawing in deep waters or jumping from the precipice. He has to fast according to well-regulated principles. He has to increase his days of fasting gradually...... He should neither has ten nor delay death. He should wait for the hour calmly, getting engrossed in deep meditation
with complete detachment and inward concentration. ibid, P-88. 102. The consequences of death by Sallekhană are neither hurtful nor
sorrowful to any, because before adopting the vow, all kinds of ties have been terminated with common consent. The immediate consequence is one evoking reverence for the dead and the other of
strengthening the faith of devotees in religion. ibid, P. 88 - 89. १०३.. जैन, बौद्ध और गीता के आचारदर्शनों का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन भाग २, पृ०
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