and unhappy and he finally seeks death of his own free will.-Thomas G. Masaryk, Suicide and Meaning of Civilization, pp. 11-15, 22-30.3041.44-58. The basic influences that have been operating in the mind of the people taking Self-destructions are--- (a) The factors belonging to the social realm: religion, 'marital status. family organisation, mode of life (Whether rural or Urban), mode of occupation (Wether military or civilian). (b) Those that are as such non-social, and among the latter we may. further differentiate (i) the physical factors (seasons, temperature etc.: (ii) the biologi cal factors (sex, race, age) and (iii) the psychological factors (mental disease), - Dr. Upendra Thakur, The History of suicide in India. P. I+. Disappointments and frustration in personal lifc. emotional or sentimental breakdown in married life or love-affairs unexpected and unbearable economic loss in trade or business, sudden and hearth breaking grief brought on by the death of the nearest and dearest. appearance of some disease which incurable or socially reprehensiblc. sudden development of melencholia or depression either due 10 heredity or other hidden causes, public disgrace or dishonour of one's self or the family, an unexpected shock due to failure to realise an ambition and many other unusual factors may be regarded, either individually or cumulatively. - T.K. Tukol. Sallekhana is not suicidc. p.7]. अणुव्रत, अप्रैल, १९८८, पृ०-२४. डॉ० शाह बिनभाई डी, सुसाइड : दी रीजन ह्वाई, इलस्ट्रेटेड वीकली ऑफ इण्डिया, १८ नवम्बर, १९७३, पृ०-३३-३५. न केवलमिह सेवनं परिगृह्यते? किं तर्हि! प्रीत्यर्थोऽपि । यस्मादसत्यां प्रीतो बलान्न सल्लेखना कार्यते ॥सर्वार्थसिद्धि, ७/२२/४. यस्मात् असत्यां प्रीतौ बलान्न सल्लेखना कार्यते, सत्यां हि प्रीतौ स्वयमेव करोति।। - तत्त्वार्थवार्तिक, ७/२२ पृ० - ३६३ ।। . ... न तथा सल्लेखनां प्रतिपत्रस्य रागादय: सन्ति ततो नात्मवधदोषसंस्पर्शः ।। वही, ७/२२/७ .... अर्हत्प्रणीतां सल्लेखनां कुर्वन् जीवितमरणानभिसन्धानात् अनभिसंहितात्मीयमरण संबन्धेऽपि रागद्वेषाभावात् नात्मवधकः ।। वही,७/२२/९ भगवती आराधना, गाथा २४६-२४९. न चात्मघातोऽस्ति वृषक्षतो वपुरुपेक्षितुः । कषायावेशत: प्राणान् विषाद्यैहिंसत: स हि।। - धर्मामृत (सागार), ८/८
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