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## Table of Contents
221 155
Looking at the wealth of the wise - Looking at those who follow the rules - Looking at those who are seated nearby - Looking at the braids of those who have lowered their eyes - The marriage ceremony of the Kumaras - Seeing the great queen Vishalya - Vishalya, the beautiful one, with her son - Vishala, the one with large eyes - There, the woman with large eyes - With large, rising halls - With a special drink - Of pure lineage - Born of a pure lineage - Of pure lineage and character - Vishva, the beloved woman - Having abandoned mixed food - The subject, though equal to heaven - The soul, greedy for worldly pleasures - Those who are greedy for worldly pleasures - Attached to worldly pleasures - The soul, the essence of worldly pleasures - Abandoning the enemy of worldly pleasures - Worldly pleasures, like poison, O Devi - The subject, having enjoyed worldly pleasures for a long time - The soul, not satiated - Like a weapon of fire - Poisonous - Unequal, O Lord - Do not go to sorrow - Abandon sorrow, O Lakshmi's Lord - Sorrow - Wonder - Joy - Sorrow - Having made a rule - Sorrowful - Wondering - Joyful - Released there - The weapon of obstacles - Having attained supreme wonder - With a mind filled with wonder - Dwelling in the company of wonder - Having attained another time -
360 Laughing, he then spoke to her - 48 The body of Vaidehi, placed -
101 78 Laughing, the lustful one, as long as - 260 See the greatness of Vaidehi - 103 362 Laughing, he said, O Chandrabha - 336 Having heard of Vaidehi's arrival - 26 The great worship, worthy of being done - 130 The lamp of detachment, with its flame -
362 241 Disturbed, she thought - 18 With the wind of detachment -
101 24 Disturbed, her mother, too, of this - 131. Having attained manifest consciousness - 150 343 She looks at all directions - 109. Manifest, vital, fire - 10. Seeing those with trembling bodies - 198 The end of the sound of the consonants - 425 Seeing the outgoing life -
Having fallen into great efforts - 163 53 Seeing, Padmabha asks - 192 Having removed the cause of worldly existence - 420 The vina, the mridanga, the flute, etc. -
In vain are the Kulangas - 366 164 The vina, the flute, the mridanga, etc. -
Drowned in the ocean of misfortune - 113 236 The vina, the flute, the mridanga, etc. -
In the agitation of disease, death, and calamity - 348 The vina, the flute, the mridanga, etc. -
320 Disease comes to rest -
422 Free from attachment, with all knowledge - 266 Having killed his father, the wicked one - 306 251 Pure, like crystal - 367 I release this, which must be done - 166 327 By the virtue of the valiant sons - 122 Released, the great hero - 153 68 Vira Sena, the king, this one - 336 In the sky, the world of the Vaidyaras - 276
Vira Sena's writing - 338 The people rush - 424 366 The iron of the trees -
The days go by, and the birds - 188 413 The valiant Angada Kumar - 86 Go, what do you have with this -
166 337 Surrounded by enemies born of his own family -
Go to health, pure dust - 45 Surrounded by them, he thought - 143 Having attained the vow of secrecy - 404
Surrounded by a great army - 184 Having attained the vow of secrecy - 363 145 As it happened there -
He will attain the vow - 127 Where there are beautiful girls in the story - 344
[Sh] The bull, the snake, the flower, etc. -
The birds, the fire, the face of this one - 144 206 The bull, of the birds -
The birds, the fire, the face, the name - 145 275 The bull, with the flag of the earth -
302 I can hold this earth - 267 The bull, the earth, the moon - 186 It can do the impossible - 265
The bull, the Vaidya, the Kashmir - 246 Like Indra, having decided - 252 257 By some men, swift -
Doubt, decoction, treatment - 264 378 The flute, the vina, the mridanga, etc. -
Doubt, etc., removed - The flute, the vina, the mridanga, etc. - 232 The soul, united, and having become - 414 60 By Vetalas, elephants, lions -
The conch, of the lords of water - 150 Burned by pride in the Vedas - 336 Sachi, united with Indra - 61 226 Trembling in the eastern direction -
The hundred-killer, the power, the discus, the sword - 414 With a thousand vaiduryas -
65 A hundred, then a thousand - 261 176 The union of Vaidehi - 111 A hundred, or half, or a third - 243
254 375