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## Translation:
**Verse 13:**
The comparison of the moon and stars to Indra and the gods is made for human beings, because there is a great difference between the celestial gods and the Jyotishi gods. (Meaning: In the human realm, the moon and stars appear bright, hence the comparison to Indra and the gods. In reality, the Jyotishi gods have a greater brilliance than the celestial gods, and the celestial gods have a greater brilliance than Indra.)
**Verse 14:**
Indra himself was endowed with great power and illuminated the ten directions with his brilliance. Therefore, he appeared like a very tall Ashoka tree related to the Jina.
**Verse 15:**
Gautama Swami says that even if all people together continuously describe him with thousands of tongues, the description cannot be completed even in hundreds of years.
**Verse 16:**
Then, Indra, in the presence of the Lokapalas and other pure-hearted gods seated on their respective thrones, narrated this Purana.
**Verse 17-18:**
While narrating the Purana, he said, "Oh gods! You should continuously worship those supreme Arhant Bhagavans with flowers of devotion, who have destroyed this world, which is like a great demon, very difficult to conquer, destroyer of happiness, and a great enemy, with the wheel of knowledge, and who are like fire to burn all the forests of vices."
**Verse 19-21:**
Those who are capable of rescuing the noble beings from the ocean of the world, which is filled with waves of passions and crocodiles of desires, and whose birth is celebrated by Indra and the gods with a grand abhisheka on Mount Meru with the water of the ocean of milk. And those who are devoted, focused on the goal of liberation, and accompanied by their families, worship them with one-pointed devotion.
**Verse 22:**
He who exists, having abandoned the earth, which is like a woman whose breasts are the Vindhya and Kailash mountains and whose waist is the ocean waves, and having taken the woman of liberation.
**Verse 23:**
He who, having come from the front of heaven, brought light to this world, which was covered in the darkness of great delusion, devoid of dharma, and without a master.
**Verse 24:**
Just as a lion destroys elephants, those who possess extraordinary power, destroyed the eight enemies of karma in a moment.