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Padma Purana
He delighted in a divine chariot adorned with jewels and a net of pearls, a spectacle for the eyes of divine women. ||23||
O Vibhishana, even Brihaspati could not describe the glory of this Sri Chandra's living Brahma, even in a hundred years. ||124||
This supreme jewel, this unparalleled secret, is manifest in the three worlds, but the foolish do not know the Jain teachings. ||125||
Having learned the greatness of the Muni Dharma and the Jina, those who are deluded by false pride turn away from the Dharma. ||126||
The child, the ignorant one, who delights in the pleasures of this world, even while taking care of himself, does harm to himself, which even an enemy would not do. ||127||
Because of the complexity of karma-bandha, not everyone becomes a holder of the three jewels. Even some, having obtained them, abandon them again due to dependence on others. ||128||
O noble ones, do not delight in the Dharma that is condemned, embraced by many wicked people and full of faults. Be kind to your own nature. ||129||
There is no liberation from suffering outside the Jain teachings. Therefore, O noble ones, with undivided devotion, constantly worship the Jinas. ||130||
Thus, the story of Dhanadatta, who attained the human state from the state of the gods, and the state of the gods from the human state, is narrated. ||131||
Now, I will briefly describe the wanderings of Vasudatta, etc., who, due to the complexity of karma, assume various forms. ||132||
Then, in the city of Mrinalakunda, there lived a king named Vijayasen, powerful and radiant with glory. His wife was Ratna Chula. ||133||
They had a son named Vajrakambu, and his wife was Hemvati. They had a son named Shambhu, famous in the world. ||134||
His chief priest was Sribhuthi, a seer of the ultimate truth, and his wife was Saraswati, endowed with excellent qualities. ||135||
The virtuous woman, whom I have mentioned before, was for a long time in the lower realms, deprived of the right Dharma due to the influence of her karma. ||136||
1. Sri Chandra Charsyasya M. 2. Raga ma kuruta. Maradhvam M. 3. Chetswabandhuna M, K, J. 4. Manoharaprapto M. 5. Mrinalakundaakhyo M.