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In the Padma Purana,
It is asked: "How are the noble beings, who are of three types - inferior, mediocre, and superior - liberated from the cycle of birth and death?" || 206 ||
The Lord, the embodiment of right faith, knowledge, and conduct, said: "The path to liberation is described in the Jain scriptures as the unity of right faith, right knowledge, and right conduct." || 210 ||
"Faith in the principles is called right faith. The principle, which is the essence of all, is of two types: conscious and unconscious, and has infinite qualities and permutations." || 211 ||
"One who, through the door of natural understanding, accepts the principle with devotion, is called a right-seeing being, devoted to the Jain faith." || 212 ||
"Doubt, desire, uncertainty, praise of other doctrines, and criticizing noble people by pointing out their faults are the five transgressions of right faith." || 213 ||
"Stability, delight in the abode of the Jinas, noble thoughts, and freedom from doubt and other faults are the means of purifying right faith." || 214 ||
"Conduct that is performed with right knowledge, according to the principles laid down by the omniscient, by a person who has conquered his senses, is called right conduct." || 215 ||
"Right conduct is that which is free from sin, where the senses are controlled, and speech and mind are restrained." || 216 ||
"Right conduct is that which involves non-violence towards all living beings, both mobile and immobile, in accordance with the principles of justice." || 217 ||
"Right conduct is that which involves speaking words that are pleasing to the mind and ears, affectionate, sweet, meaningful, and beneficial." || 218 ||
"Right conduct is that which involves refraining from taking what is not given, in thought, word, and deed, and accepting only what is rightfully given." || 219 ||
"Right conduct is that which involves observing celibacy, which is revered even by the gods and difficult to maintain even for great men." || 220 ||
"Right conduct is that which involves renouncing possessions, with the abandonment of fainting spells, which are great obstacles on the path to liberation." || 221 ||
"Right conduct is that which involves giving charity to those who have renounced the world, which is free from harming others and is accompanied by faith and other virtues." || 222 ||