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## Chapter 55
**28.** "If I am a false believer, a sinner, a petty one, and an adulteress, then this fire will burn me. But if I am a virtuous woman, abiding by my vows, then it will not be able to touch me."
**29.** Having said this, the goddess entered the fire. But, surprisingly, the fire transformed into crystal-clear, pleasant, and cool water.
**30.** As if the earth had suddenly burst open, the water surged forth, filling the pond to the brim and creating waves.
**31.** There was no fuel, no wood, no embers, no grass, or anything else that could indicate the presence of fire.
**32.** Powerful whirlpools formed in the pond, their edges adorned with swirling foam, moving with great speed, deep and terrifying to behold.
**33.** The sound of a mridanga drum could be heard in some places, a "gulugul" sound in others, a "bhumbhumbh" sound elsewhere, and a "patpat" sound in yet another place.
**34.** In some places, there were roars, in others, long, drawn-out groans, in some, a "dimidi mi" sound, in others, a "jugud jugud" sound, in some, a "kal kal" sound, in others, a "shasad bhasad" sound, and in some, a sound like a silver bell.
**35.** The pond, with its roaring, ocean-like sounds, was churning and tossing, and in an instant, it began to engulf the people standing on the shore.
**36.** The water rose to knee-level in an instant, then to hip-level, and then, in the blink of an eye, it reached breast-level.
**37.** Before the water could reach the height of a man, the people on earth were terrified, and the celestial beings, who lived in the sky, were filled with anxiety, wondering what to do.
**38.** When the water, surging with great force, reached their necks, the people were overwhelmed with fear and climbed onto the platforms. But soon, even the platforms began to sink.
**39.** When the water rose above their heads, many people started to swim. At that time, one of their arms was holding their clothes and the other was holding their children.
**40.** "Oh, Goddess! Oh, Saraswati, the giver of wealth, the great benefactor, the protector of dharma, the well-wisher of all beings, save us!"