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The thirty-first chapter. The king, having been told what to do by the Lord, said, "I have decided to renounce the world." ||80|| Then the ministers and the kings, who were considered worthy, said, "O Lord, what is the reason for this change of mind in you now?" ||81|| He said in front of them, "This whole world is burning like dry grass in the fire of death." ||82|| What is not acceptable to the unworthy is acceptable to the worthy. It is worshipped by gods and demons, it is praiseworthy, it gives happiness and liberation. ||83|| It is manifest in the three worlds, subtle, pure, and without comparison. I have heard this Jain scripture from the munis, and I have heard it again today. ||84|| It is the supreme, the most pure, the perfect knowledge for all beings. By the grace of the guru's feet, I have attained the path of liberation. ||85|| I have seen the great whirlpools of countless births, filled with the mud of delusion, full of crocodiles of false reasoning, filled with waves of great suffering, accompanied by the waves of death, filled with the water of false belief, with the terrible sound of weeping, flowing with the speed of false religion, and going towards the ocean of hell. Remembering this river of the world, my limbs tremble with fear on all sides. ||86-88|| You are deluded, do not say anything, do not stop me. How can darkness dwell in a place where the sun is present? ||89|| Quickly anoint my first son as king, so that I can enter the forest of penance without hindrance. ||90|| Hearing this, the ministers and the chieftains, knowing the king's firm resolve, were filled with great sorrow. Their heads bowed low. ||91|| They dug the ground with their fingers, their eyes filled with tears, and they became lifeless in an instant, sitting in silence. ||92|| Hearing that the Lord of life has decided to take the vow of non-attachment, the entire palace was filled with pure joy.