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Having released the amusements presented in the Padma Purana, the women with tear-filled eyes, making a great sound of their ornaments, wept. ||9|| Seeing his father in such a state, Bharata became aware. He thought, "Alas! This bond of affection is very painful and difficult to break." ||15|| "What is the purpose of this worry for my father, who has attained right knowledge? Why should he be concerned about the kingdom when he desires to take the vows of renunciation?" ||16|| "I do not need to ask anyone, I will quickly go to the forest of penance, the cause of the destruction of this world full of great sorrow." ||97|| "What is the use of this perishable body, this house of disease? And what is the use of relatives who are enjoying the fruits of their own actions?" ||98|| "This creature, blinded by delusion, wanders alone in this forest of sorrow, filled with the trees of birth." ||99|| Then, knowing the art of the arts, Kekayi, having learned of Bharata's intention, began to grieve greatly. ||100|| "How can my husband and my son, the abode of virtues, not be mine? What definite means can I employ to keep them both?" ||101|| Thus, afflicted with worry and with a very troubled mind, the thought of asking for a boon quickly came to Kekayi's mind. ||102|| With great joy, she went to King Dasharatha, who was firm in his resolve, and sitting on a half-seat, with great radiance, she spoke: "O Lord! You, in your grace, had said in the presence of all the kings and queens, 'Whatever you desire, I will give it to you.' So, O Lord! Grant me that boon now. Your glory, radiant with truth and pure, is spreading throughout the world due to the power of your giving." ||103-105|| Then King Dasharatha said, "O beloved! Tell me your desire. O beloved, who possesses excellent intentions! Ask for whatever you desire. I will give it to you now." ||106||
The entire inner palace gathered together, having been overcome by great sorrow. ||93||