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Padma Purana
Compassion to the offender 122 He said, "There is Kaushambi" 130 In this cloth shop, the one who was burned by insult, distressed 112 He said, "Brahmana alone" 134 Having done this misfortune 237 The heart of the one who was burned by insult 46 He said, "Padmanabha" 260 The one who is called Amritasvarasa, another, with a sign, said, "He who has regained consciousness"
Sweeter than nectar 264 The one who is free from offense
Unbroken pride 173 The one whose victory is never failing 410 Having heard the offenses 340 The path of the unworthy is difficult
Mother, may you not be afflicted 268 Drowned in the ocean of offenses
The sky, the ear of the sun 382 Others, some say three
Having abandoned pride and elevation 386 This one, with saffron powder
227 Others, the Sabaras, are straight 20 Having known the intention
This one, with the weight of fruit, bent-footed tree 216 In the direction of the east 147 Seeing the net of hair 48 This one, painted with effort, like a limb 214 The other, abandoning pride
He desires suffering 374
This one has arrived, this one has come 116 Having seen and risen
You desire me, or 363 This one, with lazy eyes 213 He saw, covered by a tree 226 He saw, the best of men 302 He saw, the inflated ones 26 He saw, and the mind stole
The anointing of the Jinas 67 This one has come for refuge 275 He saw, the inflated ones 26 The anointing of the Jinas 67 This one, this is the time 261 He saw, and the mind stole
The anointing water of that one 407 This one, this is Lakshmana, known 237 He saw, the great delusion 236 The anointing power 68 This one, leaving the land of crops 221 He saw, the net of creepers 324 By the merit of giving fearlessness .67 Effortlessly, she, by him 174 He saw, the forgetful ones
227 All sorrow was gone 225 This one, another, helpless
145 He saw, and at the end of that one 178
This one, his great gain 236 The country of the Apsaras
Anointing, rising, well-bathed 131 This one, I am coming to the god 150 And also, in order, liberation 77 The rising, the striving, the
If you do not go by these two 87 Even those who can be seen 55 The one who has gained pride 388 Oh, goddess, you have come
Even if the name is again play 366 They consulted together
Oh, you who are devoted to the good, the true 134 By my unrighteousness, surely 228 Seeing the minister's face 173 Oh, you who are foolish, in this Sukarata 146 The crowd of the unrighteous 266 These, then, coming together 336 Oh, you who are foolish, not by merit
170 He asked, embracing 345
These, free from disease, small 108 Oh, beautiful one, of joy
He asked, then, Padma
These, frightened, barbarians
The mind deluded by non-action 231 He asked, his story 65
These, followed by me 156 I am going to that one, by him 262 Even the production of one letter
These, by these letters, Padma 276 The worship of the forest deity 148 Unwavering, the sky-going
These, dwelling in Lanka, king 225 Even the forest is pleasant 250 With unmindfulness, one should go
These, with immeasurable qualities as their foundation 265 The one who has not attained, he is wise
These, their taste is delicious 166 Of the forest dwellers, the mountain peaks
These, blown by the wind, the rain 216 The forest dwellers, they have gone 403 The girl, with the face of the moon, the girl 55 This one, with the color of indigo 213 The lotus-like parts of the forest 404
He said, "You two, lords" 131 This one's book is also painted 286 In the forest, there, in the dry land 133