Disclaimer: This translation does not guarantee complete accuracy, please confirm with the original page text.
Hearing these offenses, Ravana became enraged. He called Hanuman near and bound him with iron chains. ||229||
Sitting on his throne, the ten-headed Ravana, shining like the sun, spoke harshly to Hanuman, whom he had once worshipped, with no mercy. ||230||
"This wicked one is a sinner, shameless and without respect. What is his glory now? He deserves to be cursed. What good is it to look at him? ||231||
Why is this evil one, who has committed many offenses, not killed? Alas! I showed him great kindness before, but he did not appreciate it at all. ||232||
Then the beautiful women, adorned with fine ornaments, who were standing near Ravana, spoke with anger and a faint smile, their eyes closed and their heads shaking, out of disrespect. They said, "O Hanuman! You have attained dominion over the earth by the grace of your master, and you roam freely on earth, devoid of all strength. ||233-235||
You have shown the fruit of your master's favor by becoming a messenger for the earth-dwellers. ||236||
How have you placed Rama and Lakshmana, who are stained with the sin of burning the earth, ahead of Ravana, who has done you so much good? ||237||
It seems you are not the son of the wind god, but born of someone else, because the actions of a low-born person reveal his evil nature. ||238||
A person born of a prostitute does not have any marks on his body, but when he acts wickedly, his low birth becomes apparent. ||239||
Do wild lions in the forest serve jackals? It is rightly said that noble people do not live by relying on the low. ||240||
Although you came many times before and were honored with everything, this time you have come after a long time and have become a traitor, therefore you deserve to be punished. ||241||
Enraged by these words, Hanuman laughed and said, "Who knows who is worthy of punishment by fate without merit?" ||242||
1. व्यापादितेन म.।