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The Forty-Seventh Chapter
275. Without knowing the difference between these two monkey kings, I might kill Sugriva, the best of friends. ||83||
Having consulted with his ministers for a moment, and having considered the matter properly, Maruti, with indifference, went back to his city. ||84||
When the son of Marut returned, Sugriva was very distressed. And the other, who was like him, remained in the same way, full of hope. ||85||
Although Sugriva is endowed with thousands of kinds of magic, is very powerful, a great achiever, and wields weapons like meteors, even he is filled with doubt. This is a great hardship. ||86||
O God! This Sugriva, who is submerged in the ocean of doubt, filled with crocodiles of misfortune, who will save him, I do not know. ||87||
O Raghunandan! Be pleased to accept the service of this Sugriva, whose banner is ablaze with the fire of separation from his beloved, and who is grateful for favors. ||88||
This one has come to your refuge, who is kind to those who seek refuge. Indeed, the body of a great man like you is the destroyer of the suffering of others. ||89||
Then, hearing his words, all those whose minds were filled with wonder, began to utter words like "Fie!" and "Alas!" ||90||
Rama thought, "Now, because of this sorrow, I have another friend, for love often arises between those who are alike." ||91||
If this one is not able to reciprocate my kindness, then I will become a homeless ascetic and achieve liberation. ||92||
Thinking thus, and after consulting with Viradha and others for a moment, Padma-nabha called Sugriva and said to him: ||93||
"Whether you are the real Sugriva or the false Sugriva, I want you. I will kill the other Sugriva who is like you, and give you your own position." ||94||
"Obtain your kingdom as before, and having destroyed all your enemies, be happy and come to me with your wife." ||95||
1. -द्विद्विषमहं म. । 2. शृणु वत्सकम् म. । 3. पद्माभः ख., ज., क. । 4. -नुरोधाद्यः म.।