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## Chapter Forty-Six
**41.** In many battles before, your friends have perished. You did not grieve for them, but why are you grieving for Kharadushan now?
**42.** In the battle with Indra, many kings like Srimal, who were your relatives, perished. You never grieved for them.
**43.** Even in the face of great calamities, you never grieved for anyone. Why are you grieving now? I wish to know, O Lord, tell me the reason.
**44.** Then, with great respect, Ravana sighed and said, leaving his bed slightly, his words half-spoken and half-unspoken.
**45.** Listen, Sundari, I tell you one thing with sincerity. You are the mistress of my life, and I have always desired you.
**46.** If you wish me to live, then, Devi, you should not be angry. For life is the root of all things.
**47.** Then, after Mandodari said, "It is so," Ravana, bound by oaths, spoke to her, somewhat ashamed.
**48.** If Sita, who is the creation of the Creator, does not desire me as her husband, then I have no life.
**49.** Beauty, youth, form, sweetness, and graceful movements, all have been attained by obtaining that one beautiful woman.
**50.** Then, knowing this difficult situation of Ravana, Mandodari, smiling and with her teeth shining like the moon, spoke thus:
**51.** O Lord, it is a great wonder that you are begging for a boon. It seems that she is a sinful woman who does not herself request you.
**52.** Or, perhaps, she is the only one in the entire world who deserves the highest happiness, for whom a man like you, full of pride, begs with humility.
**53.** Why don't you forcefully embrace her with these arms, adorned with jeweled bracelets and resembling the trunk of an elephant?
**54.** Ravana said, "Devi, listen to the reason why I am forcefully taking her, who is beautiful in every way."