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## Padma Purana
There is a very bright garden called Devaranya in the west, which is like heaven. It is full of large trees like Kalpavriksha. After settling Sita in that garden, Ravana went to his palace.
As soon as Ravana heard the news of Khara-Dushana's death, his eighteen thousand wives started wailing loudly in front of him, overwhelmed with grief.
Chandranakha, falling at her brother's feet and tearing her throat, cried out, "Alas! I am unfortunate, I am killed!" She lamented, drowning the evil day in a torrent of tears.
Seeing Chandranakha lamenting so much, her heart burning with the fire of her husband and son's death, her brother Ravana said to her:
"My dear sister, your crying is in vain. Is it not known that all beings in the world receive the fruits of their past actions? There is no doubt about it."
"If it were not so, then where are the earth-bound humans with their limited powers, and where is your husband, who is capable of flying in the sky?"
"Knowing that this is the result of my past actions, it is not appropriate for any mortal to grieve."
"No one dies before their time, even if struck by a thunderbolt. When the time of death arrives, even nectar becomes poison for a living being."
"My dear sister, the one who killed Khara-Dushana in battle is death for all our enemies. I will kill them all."
Thus, comforting his sister and giving her instructions to worship the Jina, Ravana, with a burning heart, went to his residence.
There, without waiting for any respect, he lay down on his bed. At that time, he looked like a mad lion or a snake breathing heavily.
Seeing her husband like this, Mandodari, devoid of the adornments of a grieving woman, approached him with great respect and said:
"My lord, why are you so distressed by the death of Khara-Dushana? Brave warriors do not grieve even in the face of great adversity."
**1. Tarutalchchhaye Mahapadapam. 2. Sarvam. 3. Mandodari.**