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## The Thirty-Eighth Chapter
Seeing the minister's face, the king said, "Let him enter." Then, at the doorkeeper's request, Lakshmana entered. ||8||
Seeing him, so handsome, even the deep assembly was stirred, like the ocean stirred by the moon. ||89||
Seeing Lakshmana, without prostration, with broad shoulders and shining brightly, the king, his mind somewhat disturbed, asked, ||10||
"From where have you come? Who are you? What is your purpose? Where have you toiled?"
Then Lakshmana, his voice like the thunder of the monsoon clouds, replied, ||11||
"I am a servant of King Bharata, skilled in traversing the earth, a scholar in all matters, and I have come to break the pride of your daughter." ||12||
"You have nurtured this wicked cow, whose pride is unbroken, who brings sorrow to all." ||13||
The king said, "Who is this man, who can withstand the power I have released? Who is this destroyer of Jitapada's pride?" ||14||
Lakshmana said, "Why should I accept one power? Release five powers upon me, with all your might." ||95||
Thus, the dispute between these two proud men continued, while the windows of the palace were covered by the faces of women. ||96||
Seeing Lakshmana, the valiant one, Jitapada, abandoning her hatred for men, came to the balcony and, with a gesture, tried to dissuade him. ||97||
Seeing Jitapada, frightened and with folded hands, Lakshmana, full of joy, gestured to her, saying, "Fear not." ||98||
And he said to the king, "Oh, coward! What are you waiting for? You call yourself Sasrindama, release your power and show your prowess!" ||99||
Thus spoken to, the king, enraged, tightened his belt, picked up a weapon like a blazing fire, and said, ||100||
"If you want to die, then take it!" With a frown, the king, knowing the rituals, stood up from his elevated seat and released the weapon. ||101||