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## The Thirty-Eighth Chapter
Having eaten the excellent food prepared by Lakshmana, Rama, along with Sita, enjoyed the sweet drink of honey. ||59||
Then, Lakshmana, whose eyes were filled with wonder at the sight of the magnificent palaces resembling mountains, respectfully sought permission from Rama and, with a cheerful heart, set out to see the city, adorned with a fine garland and a yellow robe. ||60-61||
He saw many beautiful forests, entwined with various creepers, rivers with clear water and banks as bright as white clouds, mountains of various metals for play, lofty Jain temples, wells, tanks, assembly halls, and water-sheds, and a variety of people. With great composure, he entered the city, bustling with various trades. People were looking at him with wonder. ||62-64||
As he reached the main street of the city, he heard a city dweller speaking with confidence, saying, "Listen, listen! Who is the brave man in the world who will dare to accept the power relinquished by the king's hand and take the 'Jitpadma' maiden?" ||65-66||
"Even if the king were to offer the kingdom of heaven, what is the use of this story related to power?" ||67||
"If someone comes forward to face the power and loses his life, what will this maiden and the kingdom of heaven do for him?" ||68||
"Life is dearer than all things in the world, and everything else is for its sake. Who does not know this?" ||69||
Hearing this, Lakshmana, out of curiosity, asked a man, "O noble one! Who is this Jitpadma, about whom people are talking?" ||70||
The man replied, "Do you not know this maiden of the present time, whose fame is spread throughout the world and who considers herself very wise?" ||71||
"She is the virtuous daughter of King Shatrudaman of this city, born to Queen Kanakabha." ||72||
"Because she conquered the lotus with her beauty, she is called Jitpadma. The lotus is conquered by her entire body." ||73||