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Padma Purana
He was the lord of the Yakshas, adorned with great splendor, and was playing in the delightful forest, known as 'Putana'. ||43|| Seeing them from afar, the great-formed lord of the Yakshas, using his knowledge of the future, recognized them as Balabhadra and Narayana. ||44|| Then, by his influence and great affection, he created a beautiful city for them in an instant. ||45|| Then, they slept there in comfort, and were awakened by the sound of very beautiful music in the morning. ||46|| They saw themselves lying on a bed adorned with jewels, a magnificent palace with many floors, shining brightly, a group of servants eagerly engaged in serving their bodies, and a city adorned with great sounds, ramparts, and gateways. ||47-48|| It is right that their minds did not experience wonder at the sight of this city, for these great souls, seeing this city, did not experience wonder, for this was a trivial feat. ||49|| Adorned with beautiful actions, Rama, Sita, and Lakshmana, endowed with all things, lived happily in that city, enjoying pleasures like the gods. ||50|| Since that city was created by the Yaksha king for Rama, it became known as Rampuri on earth. ||51|| Gatekeepers, soldiers, brave warriors, ministers, horses, elephants, and various types of townspeople were in Rampuri, just as they were in Ayodhya. ||52|| Then, King Shrenik asked Gautama Swami, "O Lord! What happened to that Kapila Brahmin who behaved in such a way with Rama and Lakshmana? Tell me." ||53|| Then Gautama Swami said, "O Shrenik! Listen, that Brahmin got up at dawn, took a sickle in his hand, and went towards the forest. ||54|| He was wandering here and there to obtain fuel, etc., when he suddenly raised his eyes and saw a vast city. His face was filled with wonder at the sight. ||55|| That city was adorned with many flags of white and other colors, and with extremely radiant buildings like the clouds of the autumn season. ||56|| In the middle of the city, there was a large building with a white lotus-shaped umbrella, which seemed like the abode of Kailasa. ||57||