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In the Padma Purana,
Some were waving chamaras, some were holding the edge of a cloth, some were blind, some were bringing ornaments. ||118||
Some were engaged in preparing the bed, some were busy cleaning, some were scattering flowers, some were applying fragrant substances. ||119||
Some were engaged in serving food and drink, some were busy with the task of calling. Thus, all the goddesses were performing her duties. ||120||
The beloved of the king of the Nagas, Marudevi, did not experience any distress even in her thoughts. One day, she was sleeping on a very soft bed, covered with a fine cloth, with pillows on either side. She was experiencing the pleasure of her own virtuous deeds. ||121-122||
She was being served by goddesses with pure weapons. She saw sixteen dreams, which were auspicious. ||123||
In the first dream, she saw an elephant, white like the moon, with a deep roar, whose trunk was dripping with the scent of intoxicating nectar, and on which bees were buzzing. ||124||
In the second dream, she saw a bull, whose shoulder was like a Dundubhi drum, who was wearing a beautiful garland, who was roaring, and whose form was like a mass of autumn clouds. ||125||
In the third dream, she saw a lion, adorned with a mane as white as the rays of the moon, and with two fangs like the lines of the moon. ||126||
In the fourth dream, she saw Lakshmi, being bathed by elephants with golden and silver pitchers, and who was sitting motionless on a blooming lotus. ||127||
In the fifth dream, she saw two very large garlands, made of Punnaga, Malati, Kunda, and Champa flowers, and which attracted bees with their fragrance. ||128||
In the sixth dream, she saw the sun, situated on the peak of the eastern mountain, destroying the darkness, and giving fearless vision, free from the troubles of clouds. ||129||
In the seventh dream, she saw the moon, who was the friend of the lotuses, who caused them to bloom, who was like an ornament of the night, who made all directions white with his rays, and who was the lord of the stars. ||130||
In the eighth dream, she saw a pair of fish, who were connected by mutual love, swimming in clear water, and whose form was like a thunderbolt. ||131||
Who was taking care of her? ||117||
Some were waving chamaras, some were bringing clothes, and some were bringing ornaments. ||118||
Some were engaged in preparing the bed, some were busy cleaning, some were scattering flowers, and some were applying fragrant substances. ||119||
Some were engaged in serving food and drink, and some were busy with the task of calling. Thus, all the goddesses were performing her duties. ||120||
Thus, Marudevi, the beloved of the king of the Nagas, did not have to worry about anything. All her tasks were completed without any worry. One day, she was sleeping on a very soft bed, covered with a fine cloth, with pillows on either side. She was experiencing the pleasure of her own virtuous deeds. ||121-122||
Goddesses with pure weapons were serving her. At that time, she saw sixteen auspicious dreams. ||123||
In the first dream, she saw an elephant, white like the moon, with a deep roar, whose trunk was dripping with the scent of intoxicating nectar, and on which bees were buzzing. ||124||
In the second dream, she saw a bull, whose shoulder was like a Dundubhi drum, who was wearing a beautiful garland, who was roaring, and whose form was like a mass of autumn clouds. ||125||
In the third dream, she saw a lion, adorned with a mane as white as the rays of the moon, and with two fangs like the lines of the moon. ||126||
In the fourth dream, she saw Lakshmi, being bathed by elephants with golden and silver pitchers, and who was sitting motionless on a blooming lotus. ||127||
In the fifth dream, she saw two very large garlands, made of Punnaga, Malati, Kunda, and Champa flowers, and which attracted bees with their fragrance. ||128||
In the sixth dream, she saw the sun, situated on the peak of the eastern mountain, destroying the darkness, and giving fearless vision, free from the troubles of clouds. ||129||
In the seventh dream, she saw the moon, who was the friend of the lotuses, who caused them to bloom, who was like an ornament of the night, who made all directions white with his rays, and who was the lord of the stars. ||130||
In the eighth dream, she saw a pair of fish, who were connected by mutual love, swimming in clear water, and whose form was like a thunderbolt. ||131||