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Having abandoned his vehicle and other royal paraphernalia from afar, he bowed to the Jina with reverence and entered his own place. || 144 || The compassionate Varisena, the fearless Kumar, Vijayavahana, and other princes, having bowed with folded hands and touched their foreheads, paid homage to the Lord. Then, with great humility, they all sat down in their respective places. || 145-146 || The Lord Vardhamana was seated on a throne beneath an Ashoka tree in the Samavasarana. Its branches were made of vaidurya (blue) gems, and it was adorned with delicate leaves. Its flowers, radiant with brilliance, filled all directions. It was extremely beautiful, as pleasing as a Kalpa tree, and it dispelled the sorrows of mankind. Its leaves were green and dense, and it resembled a mountain made of various gems. His throne also produced a rainbow from the light of various gems. It was covered with divine garments, pleasing to the mind with its soft touch, and it obstructed the spread of the brilliance of the gems on Indra's head. It was adorned with three umbrellas, signifying his sovereignty over the three worlds, and it was filled with flowers showered by the gods. It stood on the surface of the earth, adorned with fluttering chowries held by the Yaksha king, and the sound of the Dundubhi drums echoed peacefully from it. || 147-152 || The divine sound that emanated from the Lord transformed into the language of beings of the three realms, and its loud voice was like the dense roar of clouds. || 153 || In the midst of a halo that eclipsed the sun's light, the Lord was seated. When questioned by the Ganadhara, he preached the Dharma to the people as follows: || 154 ||
He said that first and foremost, there is one reality, and then, with the distinction between Jiva and Ajiva, there are two types of reality. Among them, too, there are two distinctions: Siddha and Samsari. || 155 ||
Besides these, there are two more distinctions among Jivas: Bhavy and Abhavy. Just as there are some grains like urad, etc., that ripen and mature, and some that do not ripen or mature even with effort, so too, there are two types of Jivas: 2. Pranamam cha ma. 3. Janitendrayudhodgame ma. 4. Parichchhanne
1. Vijayavahananama cha tatha anyanripasunanavaha ma. ma. 5. Sapim ma. 6. Jivaasca ma.