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Second Canto
The boundless and helpless ones, who are being scorched by the fire of suffering, you are their kinsman and the supreme refuge. How can we praise your qualities, which are beyond comparison, free from all analogies, and accessible only to the Omniscient ones? ¹¹³¹¹
Having thus offered praise and obeisance, he (Indra) stood with his head, knees, and the lotuses of his hands touching the ground. ¹¹³३¹¹
In brief, the description of that place is as follows: Indra's attendants had constructed the three-fold structure of the assembly hall, which was made of various precious gems and excellent gold. ¹¹३५¹¹
It was endowed with four lofty gateways facing the four directions, adorned with great pools, and covered with the radiance of jewels. ¹¹३६¹¹
That place was embellished with the eight auspicious substances and possessed a splendor that transcended speech. ¹¹३७¹¹
There, twelve chambers made of crystal walls were situated in a circumambulatory path. ¹¹३८¹¹
In the first of those, the Ganadhara monks were seated; in the second, the consorts of Indra along with the celestial nymphs of the Kalpa-vāsin devas; in the third, the assembly of Āryikās accompanied by the Gaṇinīs; in the fourth, the celestial nymphs of the Jyotiṣka devas; in the fifth, the consorts of the Vyantara devas; in the sixth, the consorts of the Bhavanavāsin devas; in the seventh, the Jyotiṣka devas; in the eighth, the Vyantara devas; in the ninth, the Bhavanavāsin devas; in the tenth, the Kalpa-vāsin devas; in the eleventh, the humans; and in the twelfth, the Tiryañc beings who were free from enmity and abiding in happiness. ¹¹३९-¹¹४२¹¹
Thereafter, the mighty King Śreṇika, whose mind was filled with wonder at the arrival of the multitude of devas, also emerged from his city. ¹¹४३¹¹