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## Sloka Number Index
221 311
## Verse
Thus, these letters are pure
And the feet on the pedestal, 164. Given with paternal affection at the door,
From the animal earth and so on,
To the feet and hands, 364. Like a father, for the sake of spreading
The life-forms and animals, 250. Bowing down to the feet,
High up, 143. Established by the father,
For that, 484. In the midst of animals,
Slaughter is to be known, 255. As long as the feet are pulled,
182. Knowing the parents thus,
75. Then, I said,
239. With the big toe, someone,
123. And the parents, in humility, the feet,
146. See this picture of men,
304. With the big toe,
Meru, 16. He holds the evening glow,
27. See the play of actions,
380. Joined by the foot-soldier,
117. Tied by fear of the demon,
154. See, I am born with joy,
221. Someone seated on the footstool,
289. See, this is clearly visible,
275. In the method of drinking and eating,
257. Seeing, filled with wonder,
204. Giving up drinking, eating, and so on,
48. Sin, the mountain, in the world,
158. Seeing, the king's ministers,
291. By the commission of sinful deeds,
103. Seeing, seeing the blue gem-like shade,
329. Seeing, Meru,
191. Seeing, hidden bodies,
88. The boundary of the sinful star,
378. Seeing, seeing this cave,
402. Seeing, seeing the front of this,
272. Seeing, seeing, dear! Let us go,
388. Those who are in the darkness of sin,
313. The virtuous, great beings, liberation,
219. See the row of the virtuous,
161. By some sin, death,
239. I am virtuous, worthy of worship,
298. See the row in the world,
465. The lineage of the Parijata,
38. Seeing, his chest is broad,
125. From that, hearing the tradition,
192. Seeing the generosity of virtue,
415. Seeing, bewildered by wealth,
184. By that very tradition,
396. They were graced by virtue,
265. He saw the rule of cooking,
71. The son, of the one with full wealth, then,
23. By the cooked and uncooked, the beans,
417. The son, equal to, and the bird-kind,
457. The cutting of the digestion, heat,
482. Someone brought with a rope,
289. With love for the son, he smelled,
408. The Padala, worthy of worship,
426. Someone, in the side,
123. The son's fortune, when will you,
156. With one hand,
390. The other hand of the one beside,
123. To the son, all the wealth,
372. From the carrying of the hands, the number,
454. In the side, the sound of Nirvana,
159. The sons, protect me from the barbarians,
44. The name of the pale cloth,
216. Doing like the pale one,
293. Having made into a ball, the heavy ones,
286. With the pale one, above,
355. This, in the city of Patala,
412. Again and again, he did,
364. The name of the lotus of Patala,
413. My grandfather, my lord,
87. Then, the nurse said again,
136. From Patala, he came out,
189. Much beloved, said again,
217. From Patala, he arose, with hands,
145. You have attained rebirth,
132. In Patala, there,
349. Your words to my father,
43. The festival of the previous birth,
439. The one who killed the father,
117. The king, even a speck of dust,
211. The father, your similar joy,
230. The two feet of the Jinas,
492. Again, she was asked by this,
125 242