Disclaimer: This translation does not guarantee complete accuracy, please confirm with the original page text.
## Translation:
**Chapter Twenty**
The city of **Puṇḍarokini**, with magnificent, pale-colored palaces, is like the earth, vast and wide. **Pṛthivīpurī**, the second earth-city. ||229||
**Ānandapurī**, the city of joy, and **Nandapurī**, the city of happiness, are also remembered. **Vyatītashōka**, the city beyond sorrow, and **Vijayapur**, the city of victory. ||230||
**Susīmā**, the city with good boundaries, **Kshema**, the city of safety, and **Hastinapur**, the city of elephants, are also mentioned. These were the cities of **Balabhadra** in his previous birth. ||231||
**Bala**, the strong one, **Mārutavega**, the speed of the wind, **Nandimitra**, the great friend, **Mahābala**, the very strong, **Purusharṣabha**, the best of men, **Sudarśana**, the sixth, **Vasundhara**, the earth, **Śrīcandra**, the moon, and **Sakhisan̄jna**, the friend, are the names of **Balabhadra** in his previous birth. ||232-233||
**Amritāra**, the best of the monks, **Mahāsuvratasūvratī**, the great vow-keeper, **Vṛṣabha**, the bull, **Prajāpāla**, the protector of the people, **Damavara**, the subduer, **Sudharma**, the righteous, **Arṇava**, the ocean, and **Vidruma**, the ruby, are the teachers of **Balabhadra** in his previous birth. ||234-235||
**Anuttara**, the highest, was the abode of three **Balabhadra**. **Sahasrāra**, the thousand-petaled lotus, was the abode of three others. **Brahma**, the creator, was the abode of two, and **Mahāśukra**, the great Venus, with its supreme beauty, was the abode of one. From these abodes, the **Balabhadra**, with their good deeds, were born. ||236-237||
**Bhadrāmbhoja**, the lotus of good fortune, **Subhadra**, the auspicious one, **Suvesha**, the well-dressed, **Sudarśana**, the beautiful, **Suprabha**, the radiant, **Vijaya**, the victorious, **Vaijayanti**, the victorious one, **Mahābhāga**, the fortunate, **Mahāshīla**, the great virtuous, **Aparajīta**, the unconquered, and **Rohinī**, are the mothers of the **Balabhadra**. ||238-239||
**Śreya**, the best, and the five **Jina**s, starting with **Tripṛṣṭha**, followed by the **Balabhadra**, are five in number, each one superior to the previous one. ||240||
**Lakṣmaṇa**, the eighth **Balabhadra**, is mentioned between **Munisūvratanatha** and **Naminatha**. **Kṛṣṇa**, the ninth **Balabhadra**, with his miraculous deeds, worshipped **Neminātha**. ||241||
**Acala**, **Vijaya**, **Bhadra**, **Suprabha**, **Sudarśana**, and **Nandimitra** are the names of the **Balabhadra**. ||242||
**[Note:** The names of the **Balabhadra** are not found in the available manuscripts, but Pandit Daulatramji has translated them and they are useful. Therefore, they are included in brackets.]
**[Note:** The names of the **Balabhadra** are not found in the available manuscripts, but Pandit Daulatramji has translated them and they are useful. Therefore, they are included in brackets.]