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## Translation:
In the Padma Purana, the city of Lankapura, along with other cities, were known to be the abodes of the Pratichक्रिणs. These cities were illuminated by the rays of jewels. ||243||
The names of the nine Pratichक्रिणs of the Vasudevas are as follows: Ashwagriva, Taraka, Meraka, Madhukaitabha, Nishumbha, Bali, Prahlada, Dashanana, and Jarasandha. ||244-245||
The names of the Gurus of the Balabhadra are: Suvarna Kumbha, Satkirti, Sudharma, Mriganka, Shruti Kirti, Sumit, Bhavanashruta, Suvrata, and Susiddhartha. All of them were enveloped in the glory born from the burden of their austerities. ||246-247||
Eight of the nine Balabhadra, having attained the glory of Balabhadra, became indifferent to the world and burned the forest of karma. They attained Nirvana, where they were free from the torment of various diseases, which were like animals roaming in the forest. This forest was terrifying, with the tiger of death and the huge, tall trees of birth being cut down. The last Balabhadra, due to the remaining karma-bondage, attained the Brahma heaven. ||248||
Gautama Ganadhara tells King Shrenik, "O King! I have told you the story of the Tirthankaras, the Chakravartis who conquered the Bharat Kshetra, the Narayanas, and the Balabhadra. This story is full of wonder, starting from their previous births. Some of them, after performing great austerities, attain liberation from this world. Some have a few remaining sinful karmas and wander in the world for a short time before attaining liberation. Some, due to the strong power of their karmas, wander in the dense cycle of birth and death for a long time." ||249||
**Note:** The numbers in the text refer to the verse numbers in the original text.