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## The Nineteenth Chapter
It is said in this world that the god of love has five arrows. If this is true, then how did the daughter of the king wound Hanuman with a hundred arrows at once? || 119 ||
Thinking, "My birth is in vain if I do not obtain this maiden," Hanuman, endowed with great wealth, went to Sugriva's city in an instant. || 120 ||
Hearing of his approach, King Sugriva, overjoyed, immediately went out to greet him. Then, Hanuman, who had been honored with hundreds of offerings, entered the city with his father-in-law. || 121 ||
At that time, as Hanuman was going towards the royal palace, the women of the city, abandoning all other tasks, went to the jewel-studded windows of the palaces. Their lotus-like eyes were filled with longing to see him. || 122 ||
Padmaraga, the daughter of Sugriva, with her delicate body, gazed from the window at Hanuman's form. In her mind, she experienced a state beyond description. || 123 ||
"This is not the same man, this is someone else," or "No, friend, this is the same one," the women debated amongst themselves. Thus, Hanuman entered Sugriva's city. || 124 ||
Their marriage was celebrated with great splendor, with all their relatives present. The two, adorned with beautiful forms, attained supreme joy through their harmonious union. || 125 ||
Hanuman, his mind at peace, returned to his own place, taking his wife with him. He left his father-in-law and mother-in-law filled with sorrow, due to the separation from their daughter and their own separation from her. || 126 ||
With such a glorious son, whose fame spread throughout the world, King Pavana and Anjana, immersed in the ocean of supreme bliss, reveled in their joy. || 127 ||
1. "Kanya liyukt" should be "Kanya liyukt**a**" (daughter of the king)
2. "Swavargau" should be "Swavarg**a**" (his family)