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In the Padma Purana, the Vidyaadharas, led by Indrajit, whose lineage and character were well-known, were depicted in paintings. These beautiful paintings were shown to the daughter by her parents. ||111||
Looking at them in sequence, the girl repeatedly narrowed her eyes. When she saw the painting of Hanuman, her gaze was immediately drawn to it and remained fixed. She looked at him with affection. ||112||
Seeing Hanuman in the painting, whose entire body was devoid of any resemblance to others, the girl was struck by five unbearable arrows of Kamadeva at the same time. ||113||
Seeing her affection for Hanuman, her wise friend said, "Oh, girl! This is the son of Pavananjay, known as Shrishail." ||114||
"His qualities were known to you before, and his beauty is before your eyes. Therefore, enjoy the pleasures of love with him and give your parents a long sleep, that is, let them sleep peacefully." ||115||
"Oh, what a wonder! Hanuman, even in a painting, has aroused passion in your heart." The girl, blushing, struck her friend with a lotus flower. ||116||
When the father learned that his daughter's heart had been stolen by the son of Marut, he immediately sent her painting to Hanuman. ||117||
The messenger sent by Sugriva reached Shreenagar. There, he introduced himself, paid his respects, and then showed Hanuman the painting of Padma raga, the daughter of Tara. ||118||
1. Looking at them in sequence, the girl repeatedly narrowed her eyes.
2. By him, the mind...
3. The other...
4. Born...