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## Chapter 17
Seeing her (the woman) in such a state, the Sadhu felt great compassion. For the Sadhu community desires the welfare of all beings. || 171 ||
Even without being asked, the Sadhu, inspired by devotion to the Guru, begins to preach the Dharma to the ignorant beings for their benefit. || 172 ||
Then, the one adorned with the ornament of good conduct, spoke to her in these words, filled with sweetness. || 173 ||
"O Blessed one, listen with an open mind. You are adorned with the supreme radiance, the king honors you, and your body is a vessel of pleasures. || 174 ||
Wandering through the four gatis, this being is always afflicted with suffering. When the effect of the bitter karma subsides, it attains the state of a human being. || 175 ||
O Radiant one, you have attained the human birth through the accumulation of merit. Do not engage in despicable conduct. You are capable of performing good actions. || 176 ||
One who, having obtained the human birth, does not perform good deeds, loses the jewel that has come into his hands, due to delusion. || 177 ||
The actions of body, speech, and mind that are beneficial and conducive to the welfare of others are the same for all living beings. || 178 ||
Those who engage in good deeds with the intention of their own welfare are considered superior in this world, while those who engage in despicable conduct are numerous. || 179 ||
Even those who are self-fulfilled, rescue beings from the ocean of suffering through their teachings and guidance. Those who are the best of the best, the Dharma-wheel-turners, the Arhats, those who despise their image, the deluded beings, experience suffering that extends over countless lifetimes. Who can fully describe the suffering that they experience? || 180 - 182 ||
The Arhats are in a state of equanimity. Therefore, they do not feel joy towards those who seek refuge in them, nor do they feel hatred towards those who harm them. || 183 ||
However, beings experience happiness and suffering due to their own good and bad karma, which arise from their actions towards others. || 184 ||
Just as a being removes the suffering caused by cold through the use of fire, and the suffering caused by hunger and thirst through the use of cool water, so too, the suffering caused by disrespect is removed through the practice of Parana. || 185 ||