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## Chapter Fifteen
Surely, this lightning-bright one must be dear to this girl, for he did not even rebuke her, who was so engrossed in slandering me. ||176||
Then, without anyone knowing, the two friends, who had arrived, went out of the window and returned to their own camp. ||177||
Then, with a heart full of peace, Pavana-jaya, who had attained supreme dispassion, began to think: ||178||
One should avoid from afar the river of a woman attached to another man, which is filled with whirlpools of doubt and crocodiles of evil intentions. ||179||
This woman, who is extremely dense with bad intentions and filled with a swarm of sensual desires, is like a vast forest; the wise should never serve her. ||180||
What is the benefit of serving a king who associates with his enemies? Similarly, how can one find happiness with a weak friend and a woman attached to another man? ||181||
Wise men abandon their beloved friends, relatives, sons, and wives when they are disrespected, but those who are petty perish by drowning in the water of defeat. ||182||
A physician who is addicted to alcohol, an elephant without training, an enemy without cause, a cruel person who follows a violent religion, a group of fools, a country without morals, a cruel king, a child, and a woman attached to another man - a wise man should avoid all of these from afar. ||183-184||
Thinking thus, Pavana-jaya's night, like the night of the girl's invitation, came to an end, and the instruments that awaken the world began to play. ||185||
Then, the eastern direction was covered with the redness of the evening, as if it were continuously covered by the dispassion abandoned by Pavana-jaya. ||186||
And the sun, which appeared red due to anger, rose, holding a trembling orb, the cause of the world's activities. ||187||
Then, Pavana-jaya, who was completely indifferent to women, holding a body made sluggish by dispassion, spoke to his laughing friend: ||188||
"Friend, even if I am near her, it is not appropriate for me to stay here. Therefore, listen, let there be no contact with the wind that is attached to her." ||189||