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Padma Purana
When will I see my beloved seated in my lap, touching her lotus-like body and engaging in conversation? || 108 ||
Hearing this, my state has become so painful. What will happen when I see her in person? I will surely die. || 109 ||
Oh, what a wonder! My dear friend, though beautiful, is the cause of my suffering. || 110 ||
Oh, good woman, why are you ready to burn the very heart where you reside with the fire of sorrow? || 111 ||
Women are naturally soft-hearted, but this seems contrary in your case, as you are causing me pain. || 112 ||
Oh, Cupid, even without a body, you cause me so much pain. If you had a body, it would be even more unbearable. || 113 ||
Though there is no wound on my body, the pain is immense. I am constantly moving around, even though I am sitting in one place. || 114 ||
These three days will not pass peacefully for me if I do not make her the object of my sight. || 115 ||
Therefore, what means can I find to see her, by which my mind will attain peace? || 116 ||
Or, in all the tasks to be done in this world, there is no other cause to be seen except my best friend. || 117 ||
Thinking thus, Pavananjay spoke to his friend Prahasit, who was sitting beside him like a shadow, as if another body born from his own actions, and who was a confidant in all matters. || 118-119 ||
He said, "Friend, you know my intentions, so what can I say? My words will only cause you pain." || 120 ||
Oh, friend, to whom can I express this sorrow, having abandoned you, who has witnessed all the activities of the three worlds? || 121 ||
Pavananjay was constantly thinking about the woman, and his family was very worried about his condition. || 107 ||
He used to think, "When will I see my beloved seated in my lap, touching her lotus-like body and engaging in conversation?" || 108 ||
"Hearing this, my state has become so painful. What will happen when I see her in person? I will surely die." || 109 ||
"Oh, what a wonder! My dear friend, though beautiful, is the cause of my suffering." || 110 ||
"Oh, good woman, why are you ready to burn the very heart where you reside with the fire of sorrow?" || 111 ||
"Women are naturally soft-hearted, but this seems contrary in your case, as you are causing me pain." || 112 ||
"Oh, Cupid, even without a body, you cause me so much pain. If you had a body, it would be even more unbearable." || 113 ||
"Though there is no wound on my body, the pain is immense. I am constantly moving around, even though I am sitting in one place." || 114 ||
"These three days will not pass peacefully for me if I do not make her the object of my sight." || 115 ||
"Therefore, what means can I find to see her, by which my mind will attain peace?" || 116 ||
"Or, in all the tasks to be done in this world, there is no other cause to be seen except my best friend." || 117 ||
Thinking thus, Pavananjay spoke to his friend Prahasit, who was sitting beside him like a shadow, as if another body born from his own actions, and who was a confidant in all matters. || 118-119 ||
He said, "Friend, you know my intentions, so what can I say? My words will only cause you pain." || 120 ||
"Oh, friend, to whom can I express this sorrow, having abandoned you, who has witnessed all the activities of the three worlds?" || 121 ||
1. Touching lotus-like body.
2. I will not see, I will die.
3. Residence is made.
4. In whom you are pleased.
5. Burn.
6. You are capable.
7. It is not done here.
8. You wander.