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## The Thirteenth Chapter
303. You, the one who is excessively fond of sensual pleasures, the husband of Ahalya, why are you sitting here like this? || 84 ||
You, bound by ropes, yet your body remains unshaken like a mountain, your mind steadfast in contemplation of the truth. || 85 ||
Seeing you being humiliated, your brother, the virtuous Kalyan, standing nearby, was filled with sorrow and anger. || 86 ||
He, possessing the power of the image-assembly, gathered it and gave it to you. With a long, hot sigh, he cursed you, filled with sorrow. || 87 ||
"You have scorned these innocent sages, and you will surely face great scorn yourself." || 88 ||
He wanted to burn you with his immeasurable breath, but your wife, Sarvasri, calmed him down. || 89 ||
She, with right vision, is a worshiper of the virtuous. Even the sages respect her words, for they are of pure heart. || 90 ||
If that virtuous woman had not calmed him down, who could have stopped his fire of anger? || 91 ||
There is nothing in the three worlds that cannot be achieved through penance. Indeed, the power of penance is supreme over all powers. || 92 ||
Even Indra, the king of the gods, does not possess the power, radiance, brilliance, or fortitude of a virtuous sage who acts according to his will. || 93 ||
Those who scorn the virtuous face great suffering in the animal realm and in hell. || 94 ||
Whoever, even in their mind, brings about the defeat of the virtuous, receives supreme suffering in this world and the next. || 95 ||
What can be said about a cruel-minded person who insults or kills a liberated sage? || 96 ||
Whatever actions humans perform with their body, mind, or speech, they will surely bear the fruits of those actions. || 97 ||
Knowing the nature of actions and their consequences, both good and bad, strengthen your resolve in Dharma and liberate yourself from suffering. || 98 ||
You were playing and laughing at him out of arrogance. || 83 ||