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In the Padma Purana, the friend named Vichitramala said in private, "Listen, beautiful one, besides you, who else is a friend like my life?" 19
The word "friend" is used for one who shares the same opinion, therefore, you are not worthy of knowing my mind, O beautiful one. 10
Because you are skillful and worthy of being worshipped, you will surely do what I ask. Therefore, I say that friends are the greatest support of life. 10
Hearing this, she said, "Why do you say so, Goddess? I am your servant, use me for whatever you desire." 10
I do not praise myself, for it is condemned in the world. But I do say this, I am the embodiment of Siddhi. 103
Speak freely, whatever is in your mind. You are worrying in vain, for I am true. 104
Then, taking a long, slow breath, she placed her hand, like a lotus, on her cheek, beautiful as the moon. 105
The words that came out of her mouth were interrupted by shyness, so she encouraged them again and again. Her mind was constantly rising and falling in boldness, so she was struggling to keep it steady. 106
She said, "Friend, since childhood, my mind has been on Ravana. Although I have heard of his beautiful qualities that spread throughout the world, I could not meet him. But, on the contrary, due to my bad luck, I have been united with Nalakuvara, and I constantly suffer from the pain of unhappiness." 107-108
"O beautiful one, although I know this is not praiseworthy, O speaker of good words, I am not able to bear death." 109
"He who stole my heart, Ravana, is now nearby. Please be pleased, friend, and somehow bring me together with him." 110
Saying, "I bow to your feet," she was about to bow her head, but her friend stopped her due to her confusion. 111
She was overcome with longing, just as she was overcome with longing for Ravana. 98